Ability/Loot Lag on North American Servers Despite Normal Latency

They laugh at us as they roll in the money and tell the investors look at all the playtime… ya because we are lagging so hard from point A to B it looks like we actually are playing… i have been playing since classic and this reminds me of when we would have 3 days of maintenance… But here’s the joke they are not do any now… PLEASE fix your servers it is NOT on our end…


i tried it earlyer and it seems to have fixed it for now

go to graphics settings and change back to directx11 instead of 12 i did and have been bug free for almost 6 hours in outlands

    Character Experiencing Issue: Warmother
    Realm Character is on:Aerie Peak
    Zone (Zulzadar/Boralus/Arathi/etc): Stormsong Valley, Tiragarde Sound, Boralus
    Server Time When Issue Occurs: 6:15 and on

This is getting awful, I don’t know what they broke, but no matter what kind of content they release, if it feels terrible to actually play, it’s pointless. I can barely do world quests.

Characterr Experiencing Issue: Laij
Realm Character is on: Kiljaedan
Zone: Nazmir, blasted lands,redridge mountains
Server time :7:11

both ms are fine. Jus tsitting trying to even mount or use any skills and unable.

I don’t think I can justify renewing next month of this isn’t fixed or addressed. Sitting here trying to do an invasion and it isn’t tolerable.


Yeah no kidding. I just ran a winmtr test and a speed test and there is nothing wrong on my end. winmtr test shows no packet loss but yet, my abilities and everything like accepting quests is lagging behind.

    Character Experiencing Issue: Rosalyne
    Realm Character is on: Exodar
    Zone (Zulzadar/Boralus/Arathi/etc): Vol'dun/Tiragarde Sound
    Server Time When Issue Occurs: 3:10PM onward

I’m currently “swimming” through the air after grabbing a flight from the flight master. This has been an on and off issue for me since 8.1

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Glad I’m not alone in this. I thought it was an issue with my service provider until I noticed my problem seems to persist depending on what part of the world I’m in.

Character: Havia
Realm: Exodar
Zone: Jade Forest, Valley of the Four Winds, Shadowmoon Valley (Draenor)
Server time: Probably around 3-4 pm for the first two, around 10 am for the 3rd zone

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This has been going on for over two weeks now

OCE has had this problem since day one of BFA launch.


Character: Zektok
Realm: Wyrmrest Accord
Zone: Dazar’Alor/The Sliver (Zuldazar)
Server time: 3pm

Could not interact with the flight master for at least 5 minutes. Once I finally got on the flight path and landed, I was stuck sitting on the mount waiting for at least another 5 minutes.

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Some NA servers have had it as well mate. It started on the Monday of release night when they did whatever it was they did to allow the mass pop US servers to stay online. The high pop servers were crashing left and right so they did some server shenanigans to keep them online, which is exactly when the issue popped up at first on servers like Arygos, and zones like Drustvar have been a constant problem for everyone. It’s just gotten worse now and affecting more servers since 8.1.

It definitely has something to do with the sharding and the blue that followed me around for over an hour last week to collect data hinted at the same thing.


It definitely has something to do with the sharding and the blue that followed me around for over an hour last week to collect data hinted at the same thing.


Hopefully it gets fixed for all of us, all I meant was that two weeks vs four months and it sucks either way. Sorry i wasnt more clear.


I’m not disagreeing. What i’m saying is that some servers in the US HAVE Had the issue the same length OCE has. It just flew under the radar due to it popping up mostly on low pop servers but high pops were super stable. It used to be servers like all of OCE and servers like Arygos-Llane NA and other low pops.

Since 8.1, it’s bled out to everyone and worsening. I’m only on Zul’jin after the issue getting so bad back on my home server that my wife was advised to transfer so we left.


Having the same issue. Mount doesn’t load. I’m able to enter combat after manually dismounting. Using abilities like Rain from Above will not load up the vehicle bar/ability. Unable to die and/or release. Restarting will show release worked, but then accepting resurrection will require another restart. Happy New Year!


BETA FOR AZEROTH… WOW None of these post suprise me …


I’ve been seeing the same thing as well over the past two weeks, on several characters. The input lag happens when I use abilities, get on mounts, use flight points, loot enemies, interact with the mission table, and sell loot out of my inventory to vendors (one delay in the case of selling items to a vendor lasted at least 5 seconds from the time I right-clicked on the item to the completion of the sale).

My latency, however, reads as perfectly fine (53 ms home, 47 ms world). I’ve asked folks in my guild, as well as other players I encounter in the game, and they’re seeing the same thing. Also, I have seen this type of thing occurring in multiple locations throughout the game world, though it’s most acute in the Tiragarde Sound zone.

I have already reset my WoW UI, power-cycled my network device, and done an IP release, IP renew, and DNS flush. I also currently have no UI mods installed.

The characters I have seen this on include the following:

*Character 01 - Matthiàs

  • Realm that Character 01 is on - Aerie Peak US
  • Zones this issue is seen in with Character 01 - All zones, but most acutely in Tiragarde Sound
  • Time when issue occurs - All times of day

*Character 02 - Gavoth

  • Realm that Character 02 is on - Aerie Peak US
  • Zones this issue is seen in with Character 02 - Ironforge, Loch Modan
  • Time when issue occurs - Mid-day, late afternoon

*Character 03 - Geràld

  • Realm that Character 03 is on - Trollbane US
  • Zones this issue is seen in with Character 03 - Loch Modan
  • Time when issue occurs - Between 9:30 PM and 10:00 PM server time

*Character 04 - Irithar

  • Realm that Character 04 is on - Earthen Ring US
  • Zones this issue is seen in with Character 04 - Zuldazar
  • Time when issue occurs - Between 10:00PM & 10:30PM server time

I’m also seeing this issue, and it has nothing to do with character or location. Once I kill the WoW application (can’t exit the game normally because of the lag) and restart, it is magically “fixed” 9/10 times.

The chat servers always work fine, by the by. This is nice because then I can explain to my group that I have to drop and restart and hope I don’t get kicked.

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For the love of god please fix this… WHATS GOING ON