Abilities Not Working.

I have had more than 20 instances where my abilities completely stop working. I am not silenced, or etc. I can just stand there and none of my abilities work. They light up like I am pressing them, but don't do anything. It's not lag. I keep having to quit out of my game and come back in for my abilities to work again. It happens after I start combat with something, so there is no way to know before hand. I have a few friends who have experienced this as well. I've tried deleting my WTF folder, with no avail. I just want this fixed so I can actually play... :\
Happens to me as well. Reloading UI doesn't fix it, and no LUA errors appear. Relogging/restarting is the only thing that fixes it. Also mashing Esc sometimes allows 2-3 abilities to go through before it stops responding again.

Also, typing /cast ability name and clicking manually still doesn't allow them to go through.
Yeah that is my issue as well. Dieing also fixes it. Which makes it even more annoying. It seems to be happening mostly to healers.. :\
Minor necro, but I'm also having this problem. Have repaired WoW, have deleted WTF, have tried playing with zero addons, but nothing seems to work.
I'm having the same exact problem, I also keep getting disconnected from Raids as well as not being able to use any abilites, just lighting them up on the hotbar is the only thing I can do.
It has something to do with macro's. It has been happening to me and a lock in my guild since 6.0. Only in instances though, and all the time. We both have goblin weather machines tied to main abilities and I have had mine like that since Wrath. If you have this problem check your macro's you spam often like Sinister Strike, Incinerate. Since I change my macro it has never has happened to me again.
i have a level 50 panda rouge. but my abilites wont work at all. i can use ambush when in stealth then i get one move then it just stops working. nothing lights up or anything. any suggestions?
i've had the same thing happen on the last boss' of LFR abilities just stop working. Can't press any buttons have to alt+f4 relog in to fix
Exact same problem, i was thinking that maybe its something that blizz might of put in to prevent spamming? This only seems to happen to me after i have been in combat for some while, and i was thinking that it could possibly be that im always button smashing my abilities??...has anyone found a soution? this is ridiculous, makes the game completely unplayable.
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I had this problem.

Turns out it was my mouse.

Clean the darn crumbs outta your keyboard, dude.
did you change a glyph or spell right before the problem happened? try swapping to your alt spec then back
It's happening again..happened in arcway twice and i had to exit the game just to make it work again. Kindly fix this blizz..only happened after 7.3.5
This has been a problem for me since 7.3 . Please help me blizzard :( I don't like having to reload the game mid raid.
happened to me in violet hold a couple days ago.

I just stopped running it finally and had to exit the game.

Haven't been back to see if that fixed it there or not.
It's been happening to me a lot since I started back a couple weeks ago. I can talk in chat and see chat, but none of my spells or abilities work. The logout and exit game options do not work as well. I have to bring up task manager and end WoWs process to exit the game.

Has anyone been able to find a link to what could be causing this? Any particular AddOns? A corrupted WoW file? I use Comcast. Could it have some relation to that?
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There's currently an issue that if you have any overlays active (such as Discord) it can prevent you from clicking on anything in-game.

Turning off the overlay should fix it.

(This is also why you shouldn't necro a four-year-old post.)
01/25/2018 03:07 PMPosted by Mulberry
There's currently an issue that if you have any overlays active (such as Discord) it can prevent you from clicking on anything in-game.

Turning off the overlay should fix it.

(This is also why you shouldn't necro a four-year-old post.)

i have this issue and i dont use any overlays.
Same problem, any solution? :(
In King's Rest, whenever I'm entombed and get released, none of my abilities are able to be pressed unless I /reloadui. Same thing happens when I try to use the cannon in Siege.

Any idea what can be causing this specific issue?
Just found this thread, as I am having the same issue as of 9th November 2018. This happens to me randomly and its always when I'm in combat or button mashing. This sucks because my abilities stop working in arenas sometimes and I haven't found a fix to this yet. Please let me know someone if you find a fix!