Abilities Not Working.

The bug is still here in Sepulcher 2022… Locked roll out from being used… though logging out then in seems to have fixed it.

I came back to the game after wrath got announced so I’m playing classic tbc.
Chat works fine.
I try to use my abilities nothing happens.
I run to a town there are no npc’s, as if they are not loading.
I ran a speed test through my local Internet and everything is fine.
I hard log and it sometimes works but not always.
I stopped using all addons in hopes I’d be able to play the game.

Did anyone discover how to fix this issue?

This has been happening to me since Legion. Literally only happens in dungeons/raids. Everything is fine and then randomly 2-3x per dungeon my abilities just won’t work. I can move my character but I can’t click or mouse click any abilities on my bars or bags. This is a joke that this is still happening. Do your job and fix this bug.

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