Enhancements elemental feral spirits is doing significantly less damage then normal as well, & while your looking at shaman, can you please FINALLY fix the movement speed of the storm elemental? I’m so tired of having my storm elemental move at 1% the speed of a vanilla escort quest NPC, I shouldn’t have to run through its hitbox just to get it to move at the same speed as me.
Release the untested major feature, so much fun!
Ret Paladin conduits are also not functioning correctly in Fated Raids, and I dunno if that is all, could be more than that.
Seeing same bug on marks hunter, master marksman and pouch of razor fragments
The word “redundant” definitely doesn’t mean what you think it means, and you should grab a dictionary before posting angry entitled posts on the forums.
ursocs fury the leggo for guardian druid doesnt work either
same but for my necro MM. i was finishing 25-30k+ overall dungeon depending last week. and this week i can barely break 20k same spec, same gear, same covenant. damage is being lost somewhere. must be a dirty carburetor or something.
Wait, is this why my Sub Rogue’s damage was like 4k less than usual?
shadow blades is one of the bugged abilities so maybe, only spec seemingly not affected atm is assa. not enough info yet to really assess what’s going on
I just checked a log and my shadowblade damage was below instant poison
Thanks for the heads up
Atonement healing is broken! I got removed from raid and now I am a joke to my guild.
When fixing it, just extend Atonement to 1 minute and give our Spirit Shell some relevance!
When you say stuff like that it makes disc look bad. Embarrassed for you
Add the brewmaster ability Niuzao the black ox. Popped it several times last night and it does 0 damage. It didn’t even attack. It just follows. Makes me wonder if kyrian legendary will also be bugged.
So you mean basically take it back to like MOP-era disc and make it actually fun to play? You know they won’t do that… (I miss those days myself.)
Yikes. No one is happy.
Part of that must be our expectations in the fated raids and how powerful we thought we’d be or wanted to be.
Clearly this is a math problem. It is probably a fairly long string of algebra-like equations. The tuning is too tight and some things are not working.
I can easily see the following from those who do not slave over the forums: first experience sucks and the player says, “nope, no way, not happening” and they decide to not play fated stuff. Then Blizz nerfs and fixes and then says, “wait! come back!” but that message will never be received because those many players do not follow the forums and blue posts.
Naw, it’s literally a broken ability (in the case of atonement). It can be replicated on a training dummy in Elysian Hold just by popping PW:S on self and then spamming smite and only getting heals for 27-45 per smite. Nothing about an expectation; only expectation is that the heal is 50% of the damage done (whereas it’s currently like <1% of the damage done).
Can I keep playing WoW when my game time expires and say “I don’t expect to be able to pay it quickly”?
At least extend 1 month’s game time for accounts here complaining, because you’re telling me that I will be at least useless for a while.
blizz – add ascendance for resto shaman to the list in CN (specifically on sunking when I ran it was not duplicating healing to him).
Exactly, I also noticed that despite my Mastery going up to 40% and supposedly doing 90% damage increase, or a 40-50% increase over my baseline, my Aimed Shots were only hitting for 5-10% more or not at all more. Damage is way lower than it should be.