Abandoned quest to fix a bug, but lost the ability to get the item that starts it

I have been going through shadowlands and have been going through the trials of ascension quests. I have unlocked a few new bosses for pelagos to fight. When I fought Nuuminuuru, I got a quest from a scroll or item I looted from the chest at the end. It was called “Ascension Calling: Kleia” and granted me the quest to recruit Kleia for the trials.

When I followed the quest marker, I saw the she wasn’t where it was indicating, so to attempt to fix the issue I abandoned the quest in hopes of resolving her not spawning in. Well, that was a big mistake because when I abandoned the quest, it removed the scroll item that gave the quest. To make matters worse I could not “loot” another from the chest after fighting Nuuminuuru again. I tried using the item recovery, but it doesn’t show up either.

Normally I would just shrug and move on, but this is a main quest that is needed to unlock achievements and other systems for the trial of ascension.

What can I do to fix this?

Open a stuck on quest ticket and explain the situation.

I tried, but it doesn’t allow me to open a ticket. When I try it says:

“Blizzard Support doesn’t assist with gameplay questions or with problems that prevent progress in the game.”

It then says to just submit a bug report. Which I did, but a bug report doesn’t really help my situation as they’re a one and done sort of thing.

I was a little torn between this “Not Listed Here” ticket path, or the one for being stuck or problems progressing with an achievement. Unless a SFA pops in to thwack me with something and suggest a better path, you can try submitting your ticket here: https://us.battle.net/support/en/help/contact/464/ticket

Now, some warnings. You will likely get a TEMPLATED response at first. This is normal - they’re sending those out to ideally help folks negate the need for submitting a ticket by sending them somewhere where their issue can be fixed by the player. But with that templated letter, there will be an option to the tune of “I still need help.” Hit that, and it’ll kick it back into the queue for a GM to research your issue.

You may be lucky too, if one of our SFAs has a moment to poke in and see if they can see something that you cannot that may be blocking you from easily accessing this quest again. It’s never guaranteed, but our pretty rad SFAs that work this forum do the best they can to help folks when it’s within their range of duties.

Just in case though, I would still go ahead and submit the ticket. It can always be cancelled if you get assistance here, but you’ll have your spot in the queue.

Good luck to you!


I think Loot problem, which is what you used works well for this one, Zepharah. It can be considered either loot/item problem or a quest one. Loot because you technically cannot loot the item again. :slight_smile:

A Game Master will be able to check it out.