Currently 1/10M 9/10H two night raiding guild looking for more exceptional players.
Special need of the following classes but will consider all exceptional players:
- Heals priest
- WW monk
We have a solid group of people who regularly push M+ keys but are looking to expand on our M+ community. Special interest for active players interested in M+ and PvPers for RBG’s and who would also like to join in for the occasional raid!
Raid schedule:
Wednesday 8:00 - 11:00 pm SVT
Thursday 8:00 - 11:00 pm SVT
We are recruiting skilled, like minded, dedicated players with a view to clearing Mythic content in upcoming raids and pushing high mythic+ keys. We are a close knit group who have a strong core who have been mythic raiding through previous expansions.
Add an officer on Bnet to discuss further:
Zesial#1907 or Paska#6460