A Word on World of Warcraft

The Hearthstone Anniversary Event is listed as its own thing on the roadmap.


Loving the news about 10.2.6 and SURPRISES are very exciting! I can’t wait to see what the Blizz team has created for us, really looking forward to it, I can’t wait to see the community coming together to explore things, that’s always so much fun!

Thank you for all the changes and new ways of gearing, the regular patch updates, love Amirdrassil, Bel’ameth, Gilneas, needless to say I’m really enjoying Dragonflight. :grinning:


Man y’all erase any question as to why everyone calls this community toxic… It’s surprising they even try to give us cool stuff when this is how people react to the news.


I guess I’ll spend another month waiting for new content fruitlessly farming for the 2H legendary from Fyrakkkk

I’m intrigued for sure. I definitely on board for a little secret keeping so to speak with updates I think that’s a good direction to go in, everything being data mined these days is a shame— because there is no wonder or surprise when you can read full guides on everything before it’s released.

Now the risky side is keeping the secret itself. Because of this secret isn’t big people will judge even more harshly than normal because the whole secret part.

I can read it now “THIS was the secret?!”

I think it fits world narrative. How would future is tested?

The secret is that we, the players, get randomly selected to be War Chief of the day.

And try to survive to the end. Yes, even the town Barber is out to get you. Hide in a cave. Hide in dungeon…nope.

It’s full on running man

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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I read your posts in my head in the Frasier Crane voice.

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If you keep expectations low, then it will always be surprising.

It’s gunna be some sort of timewalking/adventure mode that players can opt into like warmode that lines up with the pandamonium patch in 10.2.7. Scaling mobs to be tougher/dungeons/raids + more xp required when leveling with unique cosmetic/toy rewards.

I think the antagonist is gunna be similar or possibly even Skycapn’ Hooktail with Chromie trying to chase & fix it.

my Sub ran out a couple hrs ago. The dumbing down of the game so everyone can do everything, more and more public events but nothing new for end game, and seasons that drag on for 6 months when everyone is done 3 months in…

Now they are trying to “surprise” us… with more public content that’s meaningless.

further, making sure to get the next xpac out BEFORE the 20th anniversary to make sure anyone who wants that milestone will buy the xpac.

I’m no longer interested in giving you my money.

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They’ve come up with a plan to completely eliminate pretesting of new content. Players will be expected to have more fun this way.

So incredibly excited for this approach! In almost every game, the discovery phase is most exciting to me - whether it’s a card game like Hearthstone where the meta hasn’t yet settled, or here in WoW where we can now look forward to logging in to uncover secrets ourselves. I understand that it may lead to bugs since nothing can replicate large-scale testing on a variety of computer specs. I can’t speak for everyone, but this is a tradeoff that I think will be worth it, or at least worth a try. Thank you for trying something new!


It’s all spin, all the way down and it works because most of the remaining WoW playerbase like Agent Fox Mulder, want to believe. Shorter expansions which represent a hidden cost increase passed onto the playerbase which is in reality just further cementing the SL practice of having only 2 major patches not counting launch patch per expac? Sell it as a faster pace, less content droughts they claim, getting through an exciting, tightly paced narrative they’ve planned! Call minor additions that would have in the past been rolled into a .x.5 or a .x patch their own small little patches instead and sell it as the team doing more.

We’re going to get less and it will be sold as more.

Take the Love is in the Air event. It’s nice they redid it. What isn’t nice is they hid behind it a nerf and a cash-grab. They nerfed the amount of tokens you could earn daily and what a coincidence added in a way to exchange gold for tokens (10k for 10 each day per character) and what a surprise if that’s too expensive, you can just buy a token with real world money. This while at the same time increasing the cost of getting all items by 890 tokens for items added just this expac making it virtually impossible for anyone who just wants to do this event on one character so be able to do so. If you want to just all the new items plus traditional things like dress boxes and suit boxes to get them all you’re looking at farming out this event for at least a week on at least 3-4 characters.

Another thing about Love is in the Air. Lots of people do not like pink. They made a black version of the magic girl outfit but didn’t put it on the trading post or make it available in-game when it’s most relevant. Instead they stuck it on the cash shop knowing tons of players wouldn’t care to wait 3 months when it’s no longer relevant to get it “free” on the trader’s cart and would open their wallets to the tune of $25. You can bet those who don’t open their wallets and want it will find themselves behind on trader’s cart currency later this year in short order (I know I myself was drained of 3.5k currency just to get all the matching weapons and other pink and black-love-in-the-air themed stuff)

They are hitting players in the gut with dark pattern practices, cuts, content gutting, pay more for less and successfully spinning it as player-first practices.


I like the idea of a secret in 10.2.6! Looking forward to it.

I do want to ask when Worgen will get tail options though. Please include. Thx!

It was $30, actually.
So, two tokens worth in redeemed Bnet balance, meaning $40 worth of token purchases if you got it through gold/balance exchange.

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I dunno, I think the notion that the achievement is a conspiracy to get people to pay real money to make a number literally nobody on the planet cares about go up by 10 is honestly very funny.

That aside, if you think “can’t collect every new and old thing on a single character in one year” is a problem, you’re going to hate every other holiday in the game, barring Noblegarden. Heck, the numbers might actually be nicer now, what with the initial quests giving you like 150 tokens and the extra dailies giving you what would’ve taken farming for roughly 300 charm pieces every single day to slowly combine and convert.

Induction cooking is where it’s at.

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the posters saying “good, i don’t want to know anything before the patch, i want it to be a surprise!” - you guys know you can just… not go to the sites that discuss these things? no one’s forcing you to wowhead’s front page, then forcing you to scroll past their CVS receipt of banners, then find the PTR articles, then open them and read them. if it gets spoiled, that’s on you. i never know what’s new save for changes to my class/spec, and i use wowhead multiple times, daily.

the only reason i’m ok with no PTR? the devs never read the feedback or bug reports anyway. saves everyone some time i guess.


I still need someone from Blizzard to explain why regular flying in Dragon Flight is hidden behind a bs achievement and Dragon Riding was automatically unlocked in the rest of the world. I have tried and tried to learn Dragon Riding but i just cannot do it. Dragon Flight content is absolutely unplayable for me. I regret that I paid for Dragon Flight. Unfortunately I know I can’t get a refund. I’ve been playing since before Burning Crusade was released. I love this game so much. Be great if I could play the new content.