A Word on World of Warcraft

Keeping things a surprise also means they don’t have to live up to any sort of expectations.

“We meant to do that,” seems to be a nice way to give yourself a loophole and hide failures/missed deadlines under a rug.


:crossed_fingers: but I don’t have high hopes

10.2.6 is going to bring a new support class. Mark my words!

I’d rather mark wow’s grave.

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That madness needs to end. You might as well be asking for free honor and conquest. They either need to turn up the heat on those matches or just get rid of it.

I had a feeling this would be the approach to 10.2.6. Now to dust off the ol’ movie quote book here. Clears throat

“Alright then, keep your secrets.”


LOL I love that comp stomp makes pvp players mad.


I am calling it now, with THIS much secretiveness and hype, AND since Microsoft is now the parent company AND they are the producers of it… I am thinking we are getting basically Sea of Thieves but inside WoW!! Or some variation of it.

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They said it’ll be a fully fledged rated mode by next expansion, idk about it being rated yet in DF, because if they did that I’d actually come back for the final season.

Not only bugs, but some events recently are really boring content…like Love is in the air.

It sounds like a good mistery but it could end in a really bad event…

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Hopefully begin building up the worgen and night elf homes into something meaningful/useful

The only part of this that really worries me is the word ‘event’. There have been so many in DF and only the most recent are really decent if you take things slower/more casually/don’t complete it 100% within a few weeks.

I’d probably be more excited if the first non-public tested patch was more story focused, but I’m still curious to see what’s going on.

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I need to start gathering a collection of all your forum posts poetry. :heart:

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Things I hope to see.

  • PVP only server that’s a singular server with no cross-realm or phasing with Season of Discovery faction ratio balance put into place.

  • Rework Warmode to feel more wpvp driven and not as empty. (Fix World Defense alerts)

  • New pvp battleground (We’re getting a new bg in The War Within, which I’m very happy to see)


Pretty sure they’re making this a 5 month patch.

Patch came out in November… 10.2.6 is out in March. Probably give us 1 month to clean up CE so 2 months left in the tier.

They did this during 10.2. They cut the raid tier to 5 months for fated.

Spoiler: It’s the hearthstone anniversary event.

As far as how that integrates with WoW, we’d have to consult with someone who has played hearthstone for educated speculation. I haven’t played it.

If the card game shows up in WoW, count me out. Very not interested.


i would prefer you would just tell us what it is


can we top the Gilneas disappointment? only one way to know


It won’t be easy, but if anybody can do it it’s blizzard.


Thanks, Holly! I am excited to see what 10.2.6 is!

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