A Word on World of Warcraft

rated solo queue for RBGs when??

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bro my dream in wow is to visit tel’abim and I’m not being ironic, maybe there are hozens and bananas, pirates, who know
I never understood WHY tel’abim and undermine are not in-game yet, they had two opportunities in cata and bfa


The surprise and mystery is one of the main reasons I’m enjoying SoD.
I think it’s well worth the occasional difficulties.

I hope ALL of the WoW teams are able to shake off those fears and keep trying new stuff.

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"Huzzah, a patch with quality."


All class open to all race! Come on gnomes druids, gnome DH and gnome pally!


Holly is such a POG <3

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ok I love the mystery… holly may I please have a tuskarr baby follwing me around stating we need to eat more fish …thank you …

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Did this post actually say anything?
Genuine question. I couldnt see what im meant to take away from this.


Goblin and Worgen (with tail) allied race, here we go!

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I feel like by keeping it secret a lot of people are going to manifest the content into their own desires, have those dreams crushed when it almost inevitably is something different, and then be extra critical of whatever we do get because of that.

This is actually not equivalent to Xmas presents because you typically know socks are coming, but also toys. We may actually not get any toys, because where content is concerned everyone has their own idea on what a “toy” actually is for them.

Anything not panda related for me is socks, but I have managed my own expectations here. Others may not be doing that.


I expect it to be a hot mess, also used to attack certain parts of the playerbase the devs don’t like.

It was strictly written to “hype” up the community and I cannot wait for the tears of disappointment when it actually launches in a bugged out mess of 10 mins of content.


I’m interested to see what we get. I’ve seen a lot of theories floating around but it’s anyone’s guess.

For the most part, I’ve had a lot of fun with DF.

10.2.6 on PTR soonz?

Global patch release then? It really sucks when you have to stay away from the internet when a new patch is out on NA and you have to wait 1 day…

Pirate shaman, pirate druid, pirate paladin.

So are you guys actually hiring internal testers to make sure whatever you’re planning works or is 10.2.6 going to be completely unplayable for a month while you guys fumble to fix the inevitable buggy mess? Lol


It is nice that the game is progressing and putting out new content to keep players involved. I find it very encouraging.

However until we can see what exactly is going to be coming down the pipes im going to remain indifferent. Many of us had high hopes for the reclamation of Gilneas and suffice it to say many of us were disappointed.

I feel that its a good thing that they are doing.
Is it good enough for me to restart my subscription?
Not until i see exactly what is being offered.

Just imagine a Dwarf Druid, and all their forms have beards.