A Word on World of Warcraft

They can still put 10.2.6 on the PTR with the story content encrypted and just let us test things like addon changes.

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I predict weeping and gnashing of teeth.

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I’m definitely curious.

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They did. The Drust humans, a.k.a Kul’tirans. Actual non-evolved Vry’kul by the curse of flesh are far too huge to be playable.

Good on them for no PTR, I like the approach of not knowing what’s to come, and hopefully its as polished as FF does in house. (wishful thinking but one can hope)


Whatever they do, this forum is guaranteed to hate it.


It’s Blizzards, ever since they updated the UI and don’t put them all into the game directly like other games do.


She’s from the Activision branch, so I’m guessing

Dragonflight 2025
Dragonflight 2026
Dragonflight 2027
Dragonflight 2028

Holly Longdale must be protected at all costs.


They can encrypt story details, but stuff like the basic premise/location/who is involved of the story is generally always dataminable regardless of encryption. Given the entire premise of this patch outside of “pirates” is meant to be a secret, I don’t see them being able to keep it -that- secret without PTR. As long as there are no addon API changes at all and it’s purely content, addons should be fine outside of a TOC update.


I hope they add new class/race combos (paladin, druid and shaman).:crossed_fingers:

Why are we doing this? We like the idea of releasing content that has some surprises and isn’t datamined or revealed in advance. We also like to see the joy the community gets out of uncovering it all together as they all jump in to play. We look forward to seeing if the community likes this type of surprise and look forward to hearing your feedback. This is risky experiment and could be a bit bumpy, though we are doing everything we can to ensure success.

With what happened with Gilneas…


It’s starting to feel more like “We don’t want to invest resources in fixing things our players disagree with, take it or leave it.”

Additionally, “Evergreen Content” felt more like we’d have regular consistent changes to the game without worry of “Next expansion will fix it!”

– This includes Classes.

Not having a S4 PTR to continue to improve classes like Monk, Druid, Dk, etc… feels like we’re just back into the same routine of waiting 8 months for our classes to hopefully* be fixed.

I know this sounds harsh, but Blizzard hasn’t “knocked it out of the park” recently to earn the players trust. =/


I love this idea! I’ve tried to avoid spoilers for recent expansions, and it makes everything feel so much fresher and rewarding. I would like a tidbit of hype (like the title or theme of a patch), but leave the actual gameplay unrevealed.

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“We like the idea of releasing content that has some surprises and isn’t datamined or revealed in advance. We also like to see the joy the community gets out of uncovering it all together as they all jump in to play.”

I am a HUGE fan of this approach. I always disliked people playing content in advance on the PTR and theorycrafting ahead of time. There is always something special about everyone discovering the new content together. Kind of like when a new expansion drops and everyone is leveling at the same time.

On a similar but unrelated note, that’s why I disagree with the 3-day early pass to the War Within …


This is a bold strategy Cotton, let’s see if it pays off for 'em.

Because on the one hand, not having a PTR cycle means crap can actually be interesting, not minmaxed to death before launching, and not solved before its even released.

On the other hand, Blizzard is wont to release buggy messes recently and PTR was literally the only way to try and get some of it fixed before hand.

Soooo yeah. Let’s see if it pays off for em.

Pineapple Pizza :pineapple: :pizza:


“Past musings from the community”?

Oh no :dracthyr_sweat:


Honestly, I’m expecting this event to be boring and just awful like all previously untested content this expansion. Some examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Azerothian Archives: Terribly boring, repetitive and the WQs buggy
  • Reclamation of Gilneas: Wait 12+ years for 4-5 quests doing the bare minimum, none of which were exciting, and reward being an ugly suit.
  • Red Draenei Skin quests: No issue with the skin being added but the questline was terribly boring and quite disappointing for such an iconic villain group joining the Alliance.
  • Night Elf Heritage: The quests were awful, Maiev was incredibly annoying during it, and they could have done a lot better like resettlement in Hyjal and other Night Elf territories. Instead we got another storyline of Maiev being a truly unlikeable character for her to learn, once again, maybe it’s time for Night Elf society to evolve past their societal gender restraints on what someone can be.

Awww, but Pineapple Pizza is good.

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