A word of warning!

I’m gonna have to sum this up with a story. I’ll try to make it quick.

They reactivated the vendors for Time Rifts right, with item level to match the current season. So I did the weekly Time Rift quest and bought a pair of legs, since it was slightly higher ilvl than my current. I wanted to see if I could catalyze them. Turns out you can and it’s free, like it was last season, (for gear under S3.)

Here’s the thing though…

So I’m maining SPriest right now right. Their set bonus for S4 is the one from S2, Aberrus. The legs that I bought and catalyzed for free are 467, epic quality, with the S2 Aberrus appearance and tier set bonus. So that’s perfect, right? I have a helm that was able to be cata’d, which costs the 1 charge we all have this week.

So I figured if I cata’d my helm, it should be the S2 set piece. It was. So I have the S2 helm and S2 pants. However, they don’t combine together to make a 2PC bonus. The pants aren’t labeled as S2 or S3, nothing is greyed out, they should be working as S4. But I currently have 1PC from my helm and 1PC from my pants, but they’re both the same set.

Furthermore, the pants are no longer upgradeable after catalyzing.

My warning to you all is, if you’re going to buy any of the gear from these vendors, make sure to upgrade before you catalyze, or maybe just don’t do it at all. And keep in mind that the bonuses don’t work right. I don’t know if this is a bug and will be fixed, but I wanted to bring attention to it.

I’ll post on my SPriest after this post, so you can have a looksie.

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Alright here’s my Priest.

I just closed the game to see if it updates my armory page. If it doesn’t, I’ll post screenies.

I got a cape on my druid as a world quest reward that I catalyzed. It was no longer upgradable. Item before upgrades was a downgrade to what I already had (463) due to the item level (new cape was 460), but I had intended to upgrade the cape to use it. Now it’s vendor trash and I have to wait to get another cape. Ended up wasting an upgrade on top of a catalyst charge.

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Okay, it updated finally.

Isn’t that weird? Helm and pants, same set, no 2PC. lol :man_shrugging:

You don’t want to start off catalyzing anything other than helm/shoulders/chest/gloves/legs because those are the only pieces that contribute to the 2/4 piece bonuses. Save wrists and boots and etc. etc. for later, but only if the stats are best for you.

WHY did you pick undead ? SOOOo grossssss

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I’d suggest moving this to bug reports, so that they can see what’s going on and hopefully fix this gawd awful poo storm they’ve created.

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Gift me the balance for a race change and I’ll do it.

I swear.


didnt they say u cant mix and match season 3 with season 4 set bonuses

or whatever bonuses


Now you’re a troll :joy:

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But the ilvl is caught up with season 4 and besides, it’s season 2. So it’s either a season 4 season 2 piece or a season 3 season 2 piece. It makes sense that it’d be a season 3 season 2 piece, because it was free to catalyze, but shouldn’t the ilvl be lower? I don’t get it.

Also, if I catalyzed another piece of season 3 season 2, and another season 4 season 2, could I have 2 season 2 2 piece set bonuses? Cause that’d be kinda funny and weird.

Surely this is just a bug.

I’ve always been a Troll, except for the short period of time where I was a Tauren. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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