[A] <Wicked Serenity> 10/10H Recruiting for Mythic team

Wicked Serenity is looking for competent raiders to fill up their Mythic progression team.

Are you generally one of the best people in the group you play with? Then we want to hear from you.

Wicked Serenity is a two day a week raiding guild on Kel’Thuzad. We raid 7MST – 10MST Wednesday and Thursday.

We are currently 10/10H and have a high need for,
-Holy Paladin
-Disc Priest
-Shadow Priest
-Affliction Warlock
-WW Monk
We are always interested in hearing from skilled applicants who believe they have something to offer our raid.
Feel free to add one of the recruitment officers on discord

GM Akhlys#0848
RL Mr.Wouter#0914
RDPS Showtime#7704
MDPS Prophane#8387
Heals Totem#5490