That Naaru in Revendreth seemed a little crazy. All that talk about making sure death knows it’s place lol. But one thing that stuck out to me was the image of an entire army of Naaru fighting against the Venthyr. It’s an odd image because we have only met a handful of these creatures before and they seemed somehow majestic. They are rare and beautiful, wise and there to help so we want to listen to them.
But to imagine a whole sky filled with them somehow takes away from the image I had of them before. They fight together to conquer that which they don’t agree with. It’s like they are so wise and caring but they cannot see that everything requires balance and would destroy the void without thoughts of consequence for mortals.
What could have Denathrius in the shadowlands have done to cause an army of Naaru to attack revendreth? It doesn’t make sense. Unless he had something to do with the attack on bastion by the void? But Bastion held that attack back on their very own. Where were the Naaru when that was happening.
Has the Naaru changed in your eyes too? I just feels like seeing a lot of these light bugs floating around would really alter more perceptions about these creatures. Almost not in a good way because we want some mystery to continue to exist in WoW, at least I do. I believe we are on our way to seeing Elune soon and it will be a zone like Ardenweald with Naaru instead of fairies and Elune instead of Winter Queen. I dunno, that thought doesn’t seem very exciting!
So imma a mixed bag of nuts. Sure I’d like to learn more about Elune but not too much I guess! Leave a little to the imagination at least is what I hope they can do somehow. An expansion about the void and naaru would basically be the end story of WoW… if it happens I hope it doesn’t leave us with nothing to think about!
You obviously didn’t meet the one from Legion that wanted to enslave Illidan.
The Light and thus the Naaru have an agenda just like every other force in the universe. They just make it look like they’re happy and here to help so we’ll trust them.
I’d imagine it’s just creating Venthyr in the first place. ( lets just ignore the Dreadlords for two seconds here ) Think about it. The venthyr cannot be converted to The Light at all. But they also can’t be destroyed by it. So imagine Sire Dennys just going “Hey Naaru! Here’s something you will actually torture with your attempts to convert but you just can’t help yourself can you?”
Idk if there was really an army of naaru. Maybe like…three of them, one of which survived and the others were made into Ashbringer crafting materials littered all over the Ember Ward, and a whole mess of expendable light elementals.
And don’t forget the fact that in alternate Draenor the Naaru showed up after the Legion were defeated in that timeline and proceeded to turn the draenei into Lightforged, pushed Yrel into becoming a fanatic, and essentially turned them into a light based version of the Legion.
I keep saying we’re going to have issues with alternate Draenor at some point. Willing to bet all the Alliance that refuse to play Horde and have never seen the Mag’har recruitment are going to be very confused when it happens.
That’s something of a stretch. A bit more accurately:
Illidan: I need power. We need power to win this war. But given that I’m the biggest baddie here, we basically means me.
Naaru: By all means, take mine. In my (biased) opinion, it’s a panacea anyways.
Illidan: But I don’t want to be Light-like! (Please don’t try to change my character.)
Naaru: Your goals are awfully time-sensitive, are they not? Please, you can outlive this edgy persona… and save the universe. Ffs, please take the power.
Illidan: Noooooo. I’ll do it on my own. (And also kill you for offering so forcefully, ye damn Jahovah’s witness.)
The game is pretty clear Denathrius did something to provoke the naaru to attack first.
An in-universe quote from the Shadowlands expansion artbook; “To even humor the idea that our beloved sire did anything to incur the Light’s wrath would be an act of sedition.” We know Denathrius is a villain and loves to rewrite history (as seen in the Revendreth cinematic and revealed during the first Revendreth story quests. If he was innocent, why take such a harsh stance on even considering it was Denathrius’ fault? And Z’rali was actually there, so she’s the only one who can give anything resembling the Light’s side of the story.
My theory is that Denathrius was trying to weaponize the Light to serve his and the Jailer’s cause. But this edgelord “Light bad” plot has its fans, so they’re willing to assume the worst wherever the naaru are involved, especially since Xe’ra got jobbed by Illidan.
That name… at least you’re honest about being an edgelord. In that cinematic, I see the ‘moral’ “never come between a junkie and his fix” and poor writing (Blizz turned Xe’ra into a jobber because “Illidan’s so cool and edgy” - all Illidan was missing there was a trenchcoat, a katana and the line “Nothing personal, kid.”)
It’s funny some people complain “Xe’ra’s as bad as the Legion or the Old Gods” when her Lightforging Illidan and imprisoning Alleria - wrong or not - is a drop in the ocean compared to multiple planetary genocides, the Emerald Nightmare, the ravages of the Naga, murdering the Titan Pantheon…
I just figured he was very very bored and wanted to mess with the light for kicks. Same why he ends up helping the jailer. Because even complete annihilation and getting to observe it is something new.
Ageless beings HAVE to end up ridiculously bored after long enough
You’re quoting Blizzard’s description of Xe’ra. Nothing wrong with them wanting to make a morally grey naaru, but they screwed the pooch when they killed her of (and how they did it).
“Rules for thee, but not for me”? If Denathrius can help unmake the cosmos because he’s bored, the naaru can wage holy war for the same reason.
We don’t know what the Light or the naaru even want, anything at this point is either fan speculation or WoW’s pro-Light or anti-Light fans jumping to conclusions. Worst case scenario, is rulership of the cosmos, which still beats the Void’s and the Legion’s “destroy the universe” goals.