Foundation: Warpath is a guild established with experienced leadership playing from Retail Vanilla starting in 2004. We have a helpful and open core currently that has progressed through various expansions and private servers together. Our objective is to create a group of exceptional players with good attitudes to be a competitive guild while having fun.
As a guild, we work together to succeed. We are seeking:
-Players that are active, mature, talented, dedicated, and outgoing.
-Players who will have consistent attendance.
-While we do joke and enjoy our time together, all guild members are to be respectful and be drama free. This includes handling conflicts sensibly for both in the guild and with the server’s community.
-Experience with your class/spec is desired, if no experience, researching and fine-tuning your spec, rotations, etc, to perform to the best of your ability, with the success of your guildmates in mind.
-Bringing consumables is mandatory to raid if you are to be a part of our core.
-General willingness to be helpful.
Gearing: Loot Council is our loot distribution method with the following metrics:
-Guild Contributions/Helpfulness
TBC Raid schedule:
Tuesday: 9:00 PM Server (Eastern)
Wednesday: 9:00 PM Server (Eastern)
Leadership has full Sunwell clear experience. For all questions and interest to join Warpath, you can join our discord for more, or send me a PM:
Current needs for Second 25m raid team:
All lvl 70 players, specifically:
1x Prot Paladin
Ranged DPS
1x Melee
I am a player who has played on retail and vanilla and put many many hours into the leveling experience and dungeons. I do research on how to progress my skills and character but I would say I am far from a pro or even veteran. I love the game and I am very dedicated to a serious guild if you would have me I don’t expect to be on the raid as I am still trying to reach lvl 60. If you would be interested in having me I would much appreciate it. I am also 22 and from the Midwest.
I assume your tank situation is figured out? Your guild sounds very close to what I’d be looking for, so I’m going to link my “LFG” post here just in case you’d be interested…
In OG TBC I had full Sunwell experience (mt and ot) prior to 3.0. Post-3.0, my guild did Sunwell speed clears (and even did “for the alliance” at lv70, while the faction bosses were all 80+).