A Warcraft kids cartoon series on Netflix

Would you watch a kids cartoon series based in the World of Warcraft universe? That would explore the entire Warcraft universe in a cartoon format. Also, with highly detailed animation like clone wars or the bad batch.


I have low expectations for such a project, and I think it’s probably work best as a “So Bad, It’s Good” work due to unintentionsl and unlimited meme potential.

Going for that result intentionally is also liable to backfire.

… someone get the popcorn. At the least, we’ll get to see something crash and burn.

if they stay away from disney and amazon it could work

Do you mean like

A kid kid show, paw patrol levels of stuff?

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i hope not but like the clone wars levels of stuff

I’m not sure I’d call that a kid’s show.

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I loved Sonic Prime.

If they can do something with a similar level, I’m up for it.

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Depends on who is making it honestly. But I’d be down to at least give it a shot.

Heck a cartoon based around Murlocs would be fun.

Warcraft Toons in:

ThE CuLLiNg Of StRaThOlMe


Inserting that “kids” really makes a mess of the question.

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If it was an adult animated series like Vox Machina then sure.

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warcraft lore is so based for the modern television, they would censor or change all of its story

absolutely no

they better left warcraft legacy untouched and alone, the movie and wc3 reforged already damaged it

This right here is the best idea I’ve ever seen on these forums.

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Why? I can just log into Dragonflight lol.

Honestly I would yeah.

I’d prefer a more adult based story animated series. When I say adult I don’t mean pervy I mean not made for toddlers.

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Well they could have a kids cartoon about Murlocs at Crystal Lake in Goldshire which involves the zany adventures of Murky and the disappearance of his friends after they walked into the Lion’s Pride Inn on the Moonguard and never came out!

Oh wait, that might be more of a horror story :thinking:

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Did they go to the creepy kids house instead?

I mean, isn’t that next door? It’s been a while.

Out of morbid curiosity, I’d probably look at it.

Even though I’ve never seen Arcane and don’t ever intend to, Blizzard would probably be a lot better off with doing something like that. That, or hire Trigger to make a Warcraft anime.

I would have watched it ten years ago because the culture was much better. Now it’s worse than stepping on a Lego, so Lord only knows what they would do with such a cartoon.

So…I would not watch it.