(Sargeras) 10/10 N, 3/10 H CN. We are a casual friendly guild looking to expand our core group of raiders for Heroic Raids. Raid nights are Fri. & Sun.(Heroic progression) 8:30pm est - 11:30+pm est., and Wed. nights are set guild Mythic+ runs. We try to keep things fun, and realize this is a game and not a job. That being said Heroic Raid team members will be expected to meet realistic standards concerning gear ilvl and dps/ hps. Discord is mandatory for raid spots, mic optional.
We are currently looking to fill DPS spots on core Heroic Raid Progression Team, but all are welcome! So if you are Looking for Heroic Raiding or Mythic+ in a constructive atmosphere, give Vykon a look!
If interested PM me at Bladestryke#1301 or request invite through Guild Finder in game. Thank you, and look forward to raiding with you!