A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

My people have a saying.
When enemies become friends…watch your back.
When friends become enemies… watch your front.
When the grapes go sour… make jam


well now i want jam

This is so entertaining I’m almost tempted to actually buy dragon flight, level up to max and play some games with SPM.



do it bcuz kit said so

DJL goes deep and wide – we’re an amalgam of other communities. We just stuck to the rules of what this was?

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where are those rules?

I’ve done plenty of wargames. I’ve done plenty against SPM and in the event one side doesn’t have enough they always are allowed to invite friends of the community.

Let’s not forget you guys were still recruiting up to 2 days ago for this specific wargame.


We had to turn ppl away we had more than 30 show. The rules were community vs community. DJL brought all DJL. SPM brought quite a lot of non-SPM.

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Not what you said two days ago


Sign ups vs who showed.

Community vs community. We have a disagreement (no big deal) over whether “community” meant “currently active community members plus people who used to play with the community even if they currently play actively for a different community.” It’s a rational disagreement.

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It would be

But the issue is that your members came out with accusations of cheating right off the bat. That type of mentality speaks of a sore loser, and is reminiscent of how hydra behaved whenever they faced adversity.

I would like a rematch but it seems like that won’t happen. Anyways, GG I had fun fighting you guys.


So who cheated

spill the beans lads

I think it’s fine to recruit outside when you can’t find enough players for the scheduled event. But that just confirms that it wasn’t a DJL vs SPM event. It was a DJL vs SPM, SAS, etc. That’s fine – it meant we got to play. We just haven’t had a “Plan A” community vs community battle. :man_shrugging:

Yea show beans or riot

EDIT: Preparing forum rioting materials

:tomato: :tomato: :tomato: :custard: :custard: :custard: :cake: :cake: :cake: :pie: :pie:


It was fun. And a first. We don’t normally communicate with each other, and we tried it. It’ll improve. (:

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Scroll up, it’s all there…

You did right after that Wargame with my team. That was all RR.

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That was a split queue and we beat Ruin in the other game.