A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

Unfortunately, it is now.

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Seems like it is


Not sure what they want.

Most of it was SPM members from what I see.
However there really isn’t any difference from DJL recruiting and SPM using their friends to fill in the gaps.

Otherwise neither side would have enough people for the wargame.


No sour grapes from us. Idk why anyone is pretending to know who does or doesn’t queue with SPM.

We could have brought two serious ringers from SAS and we turned them down cause they’ve never played with us

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Well, if this relationship improves in the future, maybe the team rosters can be shared beforehand in case there are any concerns.

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It’s like paying for a carry in my opinion.


It’s not, for me at least. It’s just a wargame, I could care less about the results of a wargame especially because of how many bugs I dealt with in that BG.

I’m not particularly impressed by the fact a few people I have never ever seen on an Alliance team were brought in, however.

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Why would you bring any SAS? It was supposed to be community vs community…if you couldnt fill we could have cut down our roster or rescheduled. Don’t even care that we lost. It’s just lame.

Anyways, GGs.


Alright alright. Everyone relax here. Let me clear the air here. I only recruited a few glads. ONLY A FEW. Only like 12. Valkize was the only one I had to pay significantly for. Ok so there. Can we all just be friends now?

No, you have cooties and ya cheat.


Exactly that’s why we didn’t take plmcrzy

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Tortoise how dare you! HOW DARE YOU. Only women have cooties and I’m a ma…er… hot draenei chick. Take it back.

This is true, I never met these people before today and they did pay me a large sum of Noggenfogger to come and heal for them. Thanks for the win strangers.

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Thank you for not bringing in that toxic guy, at least.

And I mean that one with sincerity. Anyone who makes alts named after people to ridicule them has a few screws loose. Too many to be taken seriously.

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So just to cap this all off here - If anyone wants to play with SPM but only in our wargames, whisper me and I will pay you. But you have to be a gladiator otherwise you are not worth my time.

Yep – and that meant we got to AV! (Thanks, folks!) But then both sides should be able to. It’s ok – if SPM is ever able to get enough people to join, it’d be fun.

Well so you know how serious these accusations are Kit. One of the people they claimed wasn’t SPM is Juga :roll_eyes:


The problem is that DJL is pretty new in comparison to SPM.

SPM goes back to WOD ( maybe earlier) and still has a lot of old contacts that are part of SPM Discord.

You guys coming in here and accusing SPM of cheating because you don’t recognize players on their roster is a childish mentality. You could’ve been cordial and talked like adults but would rather cry foul because you lost heavy handidly.


ooof they couldnt be more wrong of that !