A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

Now you’ve reminded me of a great tragedy.   :sob:

Free Magdalum!


I do wonder who reported Kriendalum


Me too.


Your last match was against 20ish SAS and you had half SPM, half SoD.

Cinco already told us you had 35

And I didn’t have any SOD players in my disc nor do I take responsibility for their gameplay. There were 14 SPM

The only two times we’ve fought SAS partials we have crushed you

So wargame when?

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We’ve already started discussing it. You really should get the scoop from your leader before going public lol

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You can’t hide behind the 14-18 numbers forever.

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Would you like a free bolo tie?

You’ve been called out and that’s ur comeback… :man_facepalming:

Warm that escape pod.



It’s funny you say AFK when it’s not SPM that AFKs out :^)

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I’m thinking they don’t have much more than that from what I’ve seen thus far…they have been playing reruns of old content…glory days. I suspect we would see names from other communities if we did a Match.

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And me. I would run with SPM. It’s who I grew up with :heart: Not saying I had a part in starting it but before SPM formed was just a few of us queuing against Hydra back in the day. Then SPM formed.

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I hope they get the numbers for a match…I’m sure we have a hundred or so wanting in. I just hope I make the cut.

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Hmm… Who to believe…

I’m not familiar with SAS’ org chart. Who’s higher — Cinco or Pk?

You’ll regret those words when it’s 13-19.

They posted recent stuff too.

Or bg forum readers.

Woah… Why do they all want a piece of SPM?

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SPM, come queue on a Friday or Saturday night. :wink: 8-11 est.

They love Fighting other premades simple doesn’t matter if its SPM or anyone else really I’m down for whatever …matches included. I doubt anyone really takes SPM seriously yet except of course SPM


See you Friday then tortoise. Our next victory against you will be in the name of our late forum banned kriendalum


Oooo I can make a Friday night queue!

Sounds good!