A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

TBH you’re moralising to the wrong person because if I were in a call/channel with a conversation like that happening I would have straight up livestreamed it.


Seems like fine leadership to me lmao

“Yo it bugs us when you invite people who actively harrass our members into the discord”

“I can play with who I want to play with”

“Okay cya then I guess”

The irony to this entire situation for me is OCA has (in the past when we used to bg together) hung out with people who actively harrassed me.

I stopped inviting him to groups and he randomly removed me

it iz what it iz


the slightest mention of survival sends u into a frenzy what even is your point


in comes the mass flagging community lol …gotta silence anyone saying any truth fast i guess. Just another trait we have all been witnessing for the last few months.


Crazy all the forums is now is mass flagging


it’s a thing lol…where it all started…well bleat bleat i don’t know. I find it rather funny as when SaS was in crash mode one of those that are doing it was saying they hated the fact they had to be tolerant of others views…yet come into forums and mass flag. So i suppose it’s something along the lines of i want free speech as long as i agree with it type of thing.


Psoon all the forums will be is like 3 people

Bloomsday for the random appearance (Although I’m pretty sure everyone is convinced this is also kennie)

When there’s evidence, it’s harder to claim that people are misremembering, exaggerating, lying, being taken out of context, etc.

People can listen to this and form their own opinions.

Maybe some people would rather not know the truth.


hence the whole…Look over there…Squirrel routine. and the mass flagging anything and everything that directs people to the evidence. Same old story really. If people posted the last days of SaS discord chat alone you’d know exactly what you were dealing with. The level of toxicity was so high and the range so wide it boggles the mind


Was privvy to those nastygrams on that SAS discord Hellkitty. I can say I was embarrassed for the idiots. They’ll remember the sh*t when their adult senses kick in and cringe.


O_O what does this mean

oops my english… I meant I was able to view the posts on the SAS discord before it’s disban.


<3 thanks for the help!

it was pretty yeah…classy stuff. I ss’d them but i generally do not make a habit of giving that out…i did the ss’s so i could read over them later as i did not have time when i took them. I respect that those discord banters belong to those communities not something i share myself its not good practice to share such things. Very classy stuff lets just leave it at that

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So I googled ‘most toxic games’ and the first link had compiled a list of the most toxic game communities. We ranked 8th of 15. We’re not trying hard enough gang, let’s get it together!

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well we have a sheriff in DJL and …yeah …i behave well i try…ok i don’t but at least i’m faster than the sheriff. It also doesn’t hurt to chuck a pumpkin on their head so they cant see where i went


Wow, you continue to raise the bar for how cringe one person can be. Let’s break down this new development to your god complex.

We already knew your entire identity is tied to your wow character; you now suggest people that record you in game are liable for legal ramifications??? I thought your social ineptitude was out of touch when you suggested weeklong account bans for people that AFK out of your premades–that proved everything–but this is just next level. Do you even go outside? And I know that sounds rhetorical but it’s not, please the forums are dying to know. Do you actually go outside? Normal people don’t act this way or even suggest a fraction of the wild things you do. Please call a lawyer with this. Record the conversation for us.



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