A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

I’m sorry i do not even know what you are saying…but if you are asking for a good time the leader of the bloodthirsty space goats might be able to help you out .

oh i just want more horde players

There are a few Horde communities DJL,AVM,AVA etc that play nightly pretty much at the same time…8est to about 11est for some and AVM goes into the morning hours

Our Druids have peered into the emerald dream and seen many victories for Stormpike tonight

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Hopefully we’ll catch up with you all out in the fields.

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I was away from the forums for a few days and ooooof. People couldn’t even let their beefs go over the holiday season. :nerd_face: Hope you all are having a good break from the monotony of life.

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i would take another look at your own community as far as espionage goes… i’ve seen a lot of weird and bad stuff in that discord. not the neutral one, mind you.

but it’s just a game to have fun :slight_smile:

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recommendation: do another disc purge rq


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i liked that one lol

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Y’all crazy. Burned goats I feel for you. Come chill with us when y’all eventually leave the mess that is BSG.


I have one comment: I TODASO!


Inbound little bleats…to bleat about bleating the bleat bleat and the bleating bleats


I’m not defending anybody for anything but secretly recording a private conversation and releasing it to youtube is a douche move. Whatever happened to bearyfunyy/borofil by others is on them, but this was pretty over the line and incredibly dishonorable move and I won’t listen to it.

beary I know you’ll read this, and I’m really disheartened you would do this, no matter how you felt about others man, this wasn’t ok…


This ain’t bad when the leader of SaS left and certain people were left unattended it was like seriously off the hook. There was just everything toxic that could be said …by the bleats…bleating about being bleat


They’re not mad about their leadership’s bad behaviour. They’re mad about it being exposed. Speaks volumes.


Actually it was fine and good :+1:


nowhere on this planet is it normal to record a 1 on 1 conversation and secretly pass it to someone else btw


Straight up Nixon posting in here lmao

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