Anyway; whatever y’all did the 1st game. Do it again next time. We like that.
We took over 100 points off the board against an obviously full premade via kills only with just 22 of us. And your attempt at a cave farm failed miserably. It wasn’t exactly the greatest stomp in the world nerd
Edit: we finally fought with relatively even numbers in that first match last night and SPM came out on top. If you wanna talk smack then wargame us 30v30 in AV
Cope hardstuck challenger.
Even numbers kek? Yea people on alts that swapped to mains in the second game. Went as expected.
We played the objective and ended the game as fast as we could and we will continue to do that.
Next time though, some of you should learn from that and speak up to your leads that aren’t so honorable to just end it. I suspect all the people who the leads treat as subservient will never speak up.
If you wanna farm pugs, fine, but do not waste our communities time with your petulant antics and foolish displays, which are nothing short of acting like children.
Labeling my concern as ‘salty’ underestimates the situation. I assure you, my stance comes from a place of responsibility and maturity. It’s about respecting each other’s time and efforts, which is what adults do.
I get where you’re coming from, but this is a game. Can’t speak for everyone, but you don’t get to tell me what to do with my time on this game. Neither do I. This is a completely fried take.
This lasted shorter than my performance in bed.
Weak sauce response
honestly it sounds like you’re implying BSG was also full in the first match and if that’s true you had no business losing to 28 of us.
Literally nothing you have to say against SPM matters when y’all have declined a wargame
Weak? Stay stuck at 1499 lmao.
Implying that we were full when did I saw this? Get glasses gnome.
I don’t speak for BSG so I could care less about your wargame proposition.
What I do see though is you’re hardstuck at Challenger.
Hahaha SPM has more wargame experience than any premade around
You can’t win the argument so you’ll bring up rated achievements as if they’re relevant
Whats the argument at this point that you took 100 points off in a game? lol
They may not be related to this game, but they sure are related to you.
You clearly can’t compete against us when the numbers for each premade are even. And y’all must know it or you’d accept wargames
Yikes 1499 throwing down the gauntlet.
They tried to do that again?
^ This.
It’s funny to see them avoid playing on a level playing field.
Theres a reason they feel the need to sync queues together to stomp randoms lmao
That sure was a quick insta-like after that post lol
Wargames are great because they use rated rules, no consumables and random toys.
Here’s SPM vs BSG when they don’t double our player count
Hey now… Let’s not throw pugs under the bus.
Both teams also have the same number of premaders.
Cope harder. What do you tell yourself for being sub 50% at 1499? I’m actually curious.