Kitkat just broke up with her freaking bofo you despicable excuse for a living organism. She needs someone to be nice and let’s be honest, everyone here is nuts. Please don’t report that guys you know its true and I’m tired of being reported for stupid stuff
I believe in us Tortoise. Anything you want, we can make it happen. Stand up and turn around, never let them shoot us down. Never run away.
How about this. I will schedule it for Valentines Day. That will give us a few months to prepare and let’s be honest, non of us are going out with anyone so our schedules are pretty much open. Sound good? I’m penciling you in.
Amazes me how delusional you are. Your members be afking before the match against us, ask your lead Krolak. They leave their team mates behind to slaughter like Leebi. damn shame