A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

Last night’s RR/spacegoats vs SAS/DJL bastard premade AV.


So 5 healers Horde vs 10 Healers Alliance. Alliance had more heavy hitters there to top it off. You were scrolled down for the end game scoreboard D:

I don’t actually recognize a lot of those Horde names but perhaps DJL has heavily recruited. About 5 of those are from SAS. Imo Horde put up a good fight for what they had.

you absolute monster. gg. khazixobia is real.

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During the first team fight, it looked like the Alliance had 11 healers.

True. Also halfway through Horde was down to 3 healers for the rest of the game. 3 good healers but 3v10 is not fun. Not against a team that has capable dps.

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I guess we can see which premades stack healers and which premades are play whatevers.


Not really. For the most part people play what they want in any community. Some people swap if they think they would be more useful on or have more fun on something else.

That game simply wasn’t a great representation. It looked like it was not a great pop for Horde.

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I was kidding. Kinda.

I do think premaders look at the composition of their raid, and they’ll play their healer without any prompting if the group has few healers.

If their premade raid has too many healers, they’ll swap to a DPS spec.

Premade raids frequently show up in random epic bgs these days during prime time. It’s a relief when you finally get into a game that’s just random pugs and it’s not another in-progress, losing game.

Oh look, it’s Deso again.
Oh look, it’s Oca again.
Oh look, it’s Gwiyomi again.
Oh look, it’s Ruthless again.
Oh look, it’s Toothless again.



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Glad you all had a fun game. See you in the field this evening.


Has horde side fallen off recently or does it just feel that way

I heard there was some sort of drama in one of the Horde communities and then some of their best players split off to join an Alliance community.

Hmm if a large enough group did indeed swap it could certainly explain this troubling imbalance in the force I am detecting.

Darth Mistwidget returns and suddenly there’s a troubling imbalance in the Force?


I think not!

Yep. Oca and Plmcrazy went to the goat weirdoes after SAS let them play with them as mercs is what I heard. The term backstabber was used. Now the goat weirdoes have a hit list of horde leaders. Meh, whatever.

Yeah, DJL was split again. The bulk of us were in Ashran.

There’s even a Wow Machinima series (only the first one “Betrayal” is out though)…regarding it :slight_smile:

Oh? Send it to me :smiley: I love tea so long as it’s not me pouring!

Were you fighting against another premade in Ashran?

Yes, we fought some from SPM, but I don’t know exactly how many they had. It was a good fight, we gg’d each other afterward. They tried to back door twice. That rarely works on us as we have look outs and scrolls.

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The backdoor only works on Ms. Tremblade.