A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

In your second picture, the Alliance has 800 reinforcements.

Clearly, this is more evidence of SPM’s cheating!


I fought an ioc with SaS last night and we won easily I’m watching that vid now

No you didn’t. Our 35 man won.


All the SaS matched i was in last night are recorded and i did not lose a match …i call bs

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Then how do you explain the evidence above genius?


Glory for the Stormpike mercenaries

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well i guess i’ll have to upload the vid to my page and share …then we will see who is lying and full of bs

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Are you seriously this dense? Anyone who takes Magdalum seriously has not been paying attention.


Cute photoshop. I played with SAS from 9pm EST to 2am EST last night and didnt lose a single game. At least make the resources reflect 400 which is the cap it will show in the game instead of 800 so you can sell your lie a bit better.


oh im gonna post the forum post with it as a good reminder of spm with the vid

Did you look at the screenshot? Evidence isn’t your strong suit is it.


Will mark it as how SPM wins …lol for fun

Just salty because we beat you

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You either need to get better at EBGs and actually win, or get better at photoshop so you can lie better

oh he’s playing but i like the fact i have a ss of forums with the vid for my site

I’m not lying. You are lying. Solid proof to your face. Eat it and like it mr. premade boy.


I told you it was the second game Hellokitty

an Ioc winning on resources 800 to 0? c’mon against SaS i highly doubt that will be happening

And yet… evidence is freaking plastered above this brilliant little exchange. GG tho

especially with some of your team dead that looks like the initial fight for hanger if i recall