<A> Volatile Fri/Sat Raid Recruiting for TWW S1 and on

Anduin Wrynn here we come!! :cowboy_hat_face:

Anduin close who is ready?

Let’s go! Come stand in stuff so I can heal you.

Still looking for more!

Raid tomorrow! Les go! :running_woman:

The search continues for dps!

Raiiid tonight!! :star_struck:

Looking for more!

still searching high and low… :face_with_monocle:

Still looking for solid and consistent dps.

need more ranged dps! :nerd_face:

Looking for more dps!

Raid inc! :star_struck:

Still looking for more dps!

anyone out there? :sunglasses:

Still looking for dps to join us.

Ranged ranged ranged! :thinking: dps!

Still searching for more members.

Got my :nerd_face: on for raid night :smiley:

I can play arms warrior or havoc dh, and I’m looking for a new raiding guild. Currently 7/11H and I got aotc in Nathria in my last guild. KSM all three seasons. Willing to tryout and server transfer.

hmu on discord or bnet
discord: Lirinai#8796
bnet: Lirinai#11450