<A> Volatile Fri/Sat Raid Recruiting for TWW S1 and on

The search continues!

need a ranged or 2 :thinking:

Looking for more ranged!

we are… still looking! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Looking for more ranged dps! Warlocks where you at? Mages where are you?

need just a few more!

Still searching for some ranged dps.

yep, still looking… :face_with_monocle:

Still searching for more!

It’s raid day! :star_struck:

Still looking for more!

ranged dps! les go! :free: :cake: when you join!

Still searching for more members!

Looking for more deeps to join our circus

Still looking… :face_with_monocle:

On our way to find more members!

Hi, there I tried adding both recruits and one of the discords doesnt work and the other two I don’t think I’ve heard responses from. I’ve recently come back to the game so I’m a bit behind but would love to find an awesome alliance home.

The search continues!

how are you on boomys?

Could always use more boomies!