<A> Volatile Fri/Sat Raid Recruiting for TWW S1 and on

Still looking.

Bump for the DPS

Searching still for dps!

Looking for more DPS to come poke some bosses

raid tonight! les go! :running_woman:

The search continues let’s raid!

Still looking for some DPS to add to the team. Where them DHs at :wink:

Oh I see a wild Piickles, but where are the other dps?

i volunteer to stabbity stab dem bosses :hocho: :dagger:

Arthas is down I mean andiun

just a couple more dps!

Still looking for more!

Heroic Artificer in the bag. Let’s go get some more!

Looking for dps!

neeeed moooar dps!!! :upside_down_face:

Still looking for more dps

vault day! :partying_face:

Searching for more dps.

When’s Frap making a comeback?

Frapp is trying a game called Real Life and will be back soon hopefully.