A vocal minority pushing RDF down our throats

Oh so NOW you agree with me

Damn you really ran out of ways to defend your stance, huh?

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Yes, you are not a part of the “most” but if you look at your other Anti RDF people on this post, and look up their logs, you will see exactly what I mean.

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You don’t even recognize the existence of my stance, why would I try to defend it to you?
Waste of time.

Yup and my speculation about u being the minority of playerbase isn’t from the forums lol. It’s from the raiding community.

The one in game.

On the 15+ discords I run with on my Alts and my main guild. In the server discord. Everywhere. It’s still anecdotal speculation tho.

There’s nothing to recognize in your stance you don’t even acknowledge how having rdf hurts your gaming experience

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Imagine people getting heated over something that isn’t endgame content. What game are you all playing?

Having RDF or not having it really doesn’t affect the game that much. If all you’re doing is 5man dungeons outside of pre-raid BiS or Rep, you are missing a major chunk of the game.

If people are quitting over the convenience or lack there of regarding 5-man dungeons, are you really playing the game to begin with?

This isn’t LFR that they are discussing… it’s RDF, with or without it your game play won’t be affect much…

“I have to run to the dungeon or wait to be summoned? Reeee”

“People will be able to auto-group and be summoned through automation to the dungeon! Reeeee”

Honestly, either way it’s rather non-abrasive to your gameplay… for most it’s the difference of someone summoning you or an automated system doing it. God knows most of you are too lazy to run there yourself regardless if you’re in favor or not. Most of my buddies don’t use the system in retail and likely won’t use it by choice since we can just create our own guild groups to weed out lazy people who choose not to preform well. We don’t care if it’s there or not because it comes down to choice. We just choose not to use it so we aren’t triggered about it… Can’t use it for Mythic plus in retail.

“It’s why I quit in retail”
You quit over the automation of scrub content since you couldn’t use it for mythic plus which was the actual content outside of raiding and pvp? You quit over some of the smallest content of the game then, son. You may need to consider that you’re just not very good at the game…

One side is mad about how convenient it will be for OTHER players while one side is made how inconvenient it will be without.

True some people are gate-kept from being able to run dungeons due to their class.

Also true with dungeon finder you won’t be able to exclude classes you don’t want.

5-man dungeons aren’t the end game, they help you get pre-raid BiS, level and Rep. Raiding and/or BG/Arena is the endgame. You are the minority if all you are doing is terminally running 5-man dungeons.

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My entire guild discord is pro RDF, aside from like 1 person. All the trade chat disussions on faerlina about RDF has shown like 2-3 vocal people who are anti RDF and like 30+ people arguing for it. Multiple other discords i am in, mostly GDKP discords, have had the discussion about RDF and most seem to agree with it. Ive yet to see anti RDF be the louder voice in any place.

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Most people want it to level alts lol.

Well we’ve discussed this in many other posts, but to make a short list that you will disagree with and tell me i’m ignorant or any other insults not allowing me my opinion:

  • I believe it damages player interaction
  • I believe it damages the sense of community
  • I believe it damages the overall world interaction and sense of immersion

Ok and that’s the wrong community to base it off of. RDF is a hero of the casual, most people don’t actively raid. It makes sense people deeply invested in a guild don’t care about auto grouping because they are networked.

Most guilds are lame so getting a stable network of other dedicated people to run dungeons with you is never guaranteed. I’ve been in these lame guilds they usually only work for me by finding one person specifically to befriend so we can duo level. I’ve never had success with casual guilds and dungeons that’s why I like RDF.

What sense of immersion? WOTLK was explored 14 years ago. There is nothing to immerse ourselves in, its not NEW in any way. Who needs to go out and explore a map they know inside out?

What player interaction? Didnt know spamming /4 with LF3M Heroic ___ Need Tank + Healer + 1 DPS was player interaction

What sense of community? Classic wow is 90% trolls. Your sense of community should come from your… community, aka your guild.


my dude everywhere is anecdotal speculation.

Like I said, you assume I don’t experience these things, I’m not allowed to enjoy them and live them. You have your experience and perspective, I have mine. These 3 things, to me, are very well alive, and improtant.

I also made a post a few weeks ago to explore a possible compromise that would try to preserve these things, but it wasnt well received by the pro RDF community… link below

The only point I’ll give you there is the last point maybe it hurts a sense of immersion abit but the other 2 points negative. If you or anyone else ques into a dungeon and chooses not to interact and make new friends then on you. Sense of community has been dead for a very long time already


I have a hard time believing that you play classic wow if you think those 3 things are very well alive and important, and for whatever reason, you hide on an alt on the forums, so we will never know if you even actively play classic wow.

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That’s fair, I could see the benefit but honestly leveling goes by quick either way. If all someone is doing is leveling alts, they don’t have ground to stand on too oppose it. It doesn’t affect gameplay by allowing people to level with it.

I don’t care either way, just seems like a weird thing for people to get hot and bothered about.

I have 4 level 70s on Faerlina. WoW is my only game I play… with the family and work, not much time left for other games…

theres a current playerbase. that enjoys the game and the cadence of content. This is why RDF is BAD for phase one.

Everyone who you see here is most probably ok with phase 3 rdf. is DEFINITELY okay with leveling rdf. why not just do those. both of them. While heroics are a part of the gear grind at endgame keep them normally grouped. and when they become a catchup mechanic, make them rdf, simple.

I am also on Faerlina and I can tell you, there is no sense of community lol. Our server is 90% GDKP/ticket run spam and 10% trolls. Your argument just became that much more invalid.

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