A vocal minority pushing RDF down our throats

I’m on Grobb please don’t try to lie to me about Azeroths most wanted… cmon bud… do you even believe the shrill coming out of your mouth.

Technically speaking, following your short-term metric logic, early Cata was the real peak of WoW subscriptions, so I guess Cataclysm was the best wow expansion ever…

Look at his raid logs lol. 0 raid logs.

I said I’m a casual player, you expect me to be insulted not to be 6/6 SWP??

We’re literally doing ssc/tk/bt this weekend skipping Swp cus archies bugged but sure mate.

Isn’t nominal just cheetos gdkp farm who are you to talk rofl

Cataclysm was where the subscriber count dropped significantly. It of course went up at the start, new expansion hype following the most successful expansion to date, and then people left.

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As somebody that clearly has no idea about WoW and its earlier expansion due to obviously how old you are… Looking at the numbers like that is why you don’t understand RDF… We all quit in Cata… literally 1-2 months in… cause past the dungeons (which never really matter) the game was bad… Cata was just horrible.


Early Cata yeah, riding the coat tails of WOTLK with the RDF you claimed ruined the game and everybody quit over. LOL

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If you can’t kill Archie… lol tells me everything I need to know about you.

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I don’t claim RDF ruins the game. It’s a feature that contributes to a whole that makes the game largely different.

Retail WoW is not ruined, it actually is in a WAY better shape than Classic WoW looking at subs count…

If you want to take the braindead approach to it, sure.

There’s no technically speaking about it, the launch of Cata marked the highest ever sub count the game had. That’s a fact. What’s also a fact is, that’s the first time ever we saw a drop in subs. What’s also a fact is RDF existed for an entire year before we got to that point, so if RDF was a cause of the sub drops like y’all claim … than logic dictates we’d have seen sub counts drop for the entire year that it was in the game.

But guess what? We didn’t, in fact we saw the only year+ long content drought this game has had (Which we’ve had a few now) that didn’t result in subs tanking.


Idk never seen em didn’t raid tbc outside helping guildies wasn’t interested. You can ask anyone InAMW whose been pushing t6 about me my times always been invested in forming and running WPvP events since 2019 day 1. Only reason I’m sweating WOTLK is cus mount achievements or I wouldn’t care about that either. You can have your gdkp fun. If I wanna sweat I’ll do savages or retail I play classic for classic not mid PvE gameplay

There it is, i’m brain dead becasue I have a different opinion. It always comes down to insults with some of you pro RDF people.

Whatever man, i’m brain dead, i’m ignorant, anyone who doesnt share your point of view is. You are the smartest person around, I wish I was like you.

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It was the addition of LFR and the breaking of the world imo

It was a lot of things. The simplification of the talent trees was a huge one. In fact that is the very reason I personally quit.


That’s MoP… not Cata. It came out in MoP pre-patch which was during Cata…

I didn’t call you braindead, I said the approach of “OMG Cata launch had the highest peak subs ever that means it’s the most popular expansion” is braindead.

I get it, you’re struggling to defend your stance that RDF is what caused the drop in subs when there’s half of an expansion that many regard as one of the best where RDF existed, and subs continued to increase. But surely, you’re better than the trying to play victim to bullying so you can get out of an argument.

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Yeah, I forgot about that happening in cata. It makes sense.

I actually love the talent trees because you get more options.

I also think the dungeons were way overtuned at first and that may have also ran some people off.

Its not even braindead, its just bad faith arguing.


Anti-RDF crowd bad faith arguing?

Nooooo, they would never