[A] <Vexxed> Recruiting for Mythic+, Casual Raiding

is recruiting for end game content. Currently we are doing nightly mythic+ runs. There are always people hanging out on discord and we encourage everyone to be social on discord. We are working towards getting a raid group together where we will be starting on normal, with the goal of clearing heroic. Raid days and times undecided, but most likely in the 8pm-11pm range.

If this sounds like a guild for you add Vexity#11510 or AutoMattuck#1271 for more information!

We’re still looking for more people to join us.

need a resto druid? :slight_smile:

First raid tuesday! Still recruiting raiders and looking for officers with raiding experience.

How active are your players during the week for running keys? With my job I can’t commit to a weekday raiding schedule but would be up for running keys for a couple hours each night during the week and casual raiding on the weekends. I’ve done the whole hardcore 6+ hours of raiding during the week before and I’m not just not into it as much anymore

I would be interested in possibly joining. Getting back to my DH have raid tanked during the end of legion. I do have other possibilities, but they are not currently on sargeras.