[A] <USA> M+/Mythic Raid/Heroic Raid/World PvP/RBGs

Greetings from Emerald Dream!

USA is recruiting anyone who is looking for an RBG team, a Mythic team, a heroic raid team or mythic plus teams. We are located on the server Emerald Dream and have experienced/competent leadership who put your best interests at the forefront of everything we do so if you’re looking for a change in scenery then this may be exactly what you’ve been waiting for.

Although Emerald Dream is smaller than Sargeras, Emerald Dream is very balanced in terms of Alliance to Horde ratio with a community very loyal to the server, the vibe you’ll get here is much like that of a small town where everyone knows each other.

As for raid times, rbg times, and etc we usually will aim for everything to occur around 10 PM server time which is -1 hour from Eastern Standard time due to that being peak hour. Even though this is when we usually do things, there is nothing stopping us from operating outside of our scheduled time slots so long as we have the people online for whatever we intend to get into. I am the Guild Master, I have lead for many years and I always produce a guild that can achieve the most that can be achieved with the effort that is given from the people within the guild, so if we have a good team that wants to go far then we will go far. Even though this guild is very fresh, it has grown very rapidly while simultaneously making massive strides in progress. Within only a single week we have managed to clear fated normal CN and will continue on into heroic tonight. The rbg team is also looking up, expected to reach 2k for certain.

We are looking for chill vibes players only. This is a game that everyone pays to play, nobody wants to be screamed at. If killing a boss or winning an rbg match takes raising your voice at someone, then we prefer losing that match or wiping on that boss because we firmly believe we’ve gotten just about too old to be dealing with people of that nature.

With all of that being said, we have 3 rules if you want to be part of team USA:

  1. No racism
  2. No sexism
  3. No harassment

Thank you, have a blessed day and god bless America!