Carries Aint Free was formed late in 9.1.5 within 2 weeks of forming we achieved Aotc for SoD. We are still progging through normal SoTFO learning the fights (7/11) but we plan to move to heroic very soon ( we will get Aotc again). We will likely make some mythic prog towards the end of 9.2 but CE is very unlikely. We run keys daily and got all member who wanted it there ksm last season.
raid times Tues/Weds 8-10 Pm (EST)
Needs We’re currently looking for dps both ranged and melee, we could use another tank as well. However, you would be tanking on a rotation
If your interested in joining feel free to respond here or reach out via discord- Shancey#0686 (add me) or my battlenet- shancey#1912
We are now 9 of 11. Great work all. Still need couple more dps. Also it 8to10:30est Tues/Wed
Feel free to respond here or our Battlenet is-Shancey#1912 or Mytheious#1106
We Are currently 10/11 now and plan to get 11/11 this week and start on heroic. Still in need of a few dps feel free to reach out.
10/11 and very close on the jailer. Pretty chill guild just looking to progress through the season And looking for people who want to do the same
We are now 11/11 and 2of11 heroic. Still in need of 1-2 more dps.
CaF is 9/11 Heroic now. We have room for a Lock or enhance Shaman.
We are 10/11 now and are looking for a few raiders to join us
Interested if you all could use a frost dps. Looking for a fun progression team to kill bosses with in both raid and keys. Send me a ping if interested. Thanks
We do have room for a frost mage. If you want to add me its Mytheious#1106
May have a open slot for a Resto Shaman or Holy Priest.
Do you need anymore DPS or Heal? I’m balance and resto, looking for a prog team to join.
We are full on heals but in need of a dps or 2. Feel free to add me for more info, Mytheious#1106
1/11M MM/Surv hunter with high parses. I want to join for regular mythic raiding and hopefully CE. ForgottenOne#11828 BNET
We have room for couple of dps.
Warlock- Medium DH - Medium
Mage - Medium War - High
Hunter - Medium Eshaman - High
Spriest- Low Rogue - Medium
BDruid - Medium DK - High
Ele Shaman - Medium / WW Monk - Very High
We are pushing for aotc this week and still have a couple dps slots open
Need 2-3 more dps to fill out our roster.
11/11H now. Have room for some dps still.