11/11 Heroic looking to start doing some mythic, need a few more dps to fill out the raid team
11/11 AoTC guild looking to fill a few more slots for season 4.
We’re starting to firm up our raid roster for Season 4 and need a few dps for the Raid.
M+ is also a huge thing for us (Check us out on the rio website). We’re looking for Tanks and DPS to add to the M+ crew.
Need few more dps for our raid team.
Still have a slot for a dps for Season 4.
Have a few slots open for range.
Let me know if you all need any more dps - have quite a few 268+ and looking for a progression guild for season 4
We have a slot open for range Durdyn. If you want to add me we can talk more. My Bnet is Mytheious#1106.
Have a slot open for Mage Spriest or Ele Shaman…
Open slot for for a couple of dps.
Nice easy Sylvannas kill last night, so now 11/11 CN, 11/11 SOD, and 10/11 SOTFO on heroic. Looking for a couple more DPS, ideally ranged. Also a great M+ community on non-raiding nights, and we’re starting to push keys into the 20-25 range.
Easy Jailer kill last night, We are now 11/11CN 11/11SoD and 11/11 SoTFo All on heroic. Looking for 1-2 dps to fill out our roster.