[A] <Two Tents> 10/10 N, 9/10 H is Recruiting!

Hello all!

Two Tents is a new raiding guild located on Sargeras! Founded by former Cutting Edge raiders, we seek to progress through the game’s most challenging content efficiently and effectively. Our progression on CN is 10/10 Normal, 9/10 Heroic. We are currently working to bolster our roster to finish Heroic, while also solidifying our 20-man roster for Mythic Nathria.

Our current recruitment needs are as follows:

  • Two Healers - Holy Paladin and Priest preferred, however all exceptional healers will be considered. A viable DPS offspec for one of these healers would be ideal.

  • Big Pumper DPS - A Warlock, Unholy Death Knight, and Windwalker Monk are of our highest priority, however all exceptional players will be considered.

Our raid slots for this tier are:
Tuesday 6:30 - 10:00 PM Server (CST)
Thursday 6:30 - 10:00 PM Server (CST)

We are very laid back and enjoyable to play with, however when raid night comes we expect a focused mindset with quick adjustments from our team. Food and flasks will always be provided for our raiders.

If you are interested in joining us, please apply on our website and contact any of the following below!

Turvin (Battletag - Mythiic#11697)
Bakadoggo - Sargeras
Oreoh - Sargeras

We hope to see you soon!

Bump. Best guild

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Bumping 'cause we need some pumpers

Bump dat post

Bump because we killin stuff left and right and need a healer and a pumper DPS :smiley:

Bumping the guild come kill sire with us tomorrow :smiley:

Bumping… we would love to try out a healer and any exceptional players tonight!

208 ilvl mm hunter lfg. bnet - Rosgaros#1423. 9/10h exp.