We are < AFRAID OF ELEMENTALS > and we are recruiting! We have been a consistent raiding guild on Elune since Wrath.
We are an adult raiding guild built on the simple premise that raiding on a limited schedule does not have to mean missing out on content or the guild experience.
We have professions, families, and life to attend to, but we still like slaying internet monsters in our spare time.
Server: US - Elune / Gilneas
Faction: Alliance
Current Progression: 2/8 Mythic Uldir
Prior Legion Progression:
Antorus 6/11 M
Tomb of Sargeras 5/9 Mythic
Nighthold 5/10 Mythic
Raid Times: Tues & Thurs 8:15 - 11pm EST
Priority: Holy Paladin, Balance Druid, Windwalker Monk, Mage
Exceptional applicants, don’t hesitate to apply.
Questions, please feel free to message:
Guild Leader - Illusion#1731
Raid Leader - Kris#1983
Ranged Officer - Fevion#1791
Melee - Officer Gigasquid#1310
Visit our website afraidofelementals . com
Where you can learn even more about our wonderful community and apply if you are interested! Thank you all and have a great day!
Watch us raid at:
afraidofelementals . com / livefeed