[A] Too Stupid To Quit 4/8M evening raiding guild LFM!

Too Stupid to Quit (US-Sargeras) is a guild with a solid group of core players focused on end-game PVE progression looking to recruit additional players to help round out our roster for Mythic progression. We’re looking for people who can perform consistently and maintain good attendance. We aim to progress as far as we can and continuously improve while still having a good time. We raid twice a week and run mythic + almost daily.

What we’re looking for:
DPS: Warlock, Spriest, Monk. (Priority) All strong DPS welcome.
Healer: Priest or Paladin
3rd Tank with DPS main spec.
All M+ welcome. Socials (normal/heroic raiders).

Current progression: EP 4/8M

Raid nights: Tues/Sun 7-10pm server (CST). Bimonthly Heroic guild runs on Wednesdays.

Contact info:

Bnet: Yawn#11282
Discord: Cy#4103

Buffie: Warlock, item level 420, all specs
Paigows: Shadowpriest

Hi, I’m a Warlock/Shadow priest that has just returned to the game and looking for a raiding home, I’ve raided “hardcore” in the past so I know what’s expected of me to hold on to a raid spot and be successful in a raiding guild

I currently play Warlock: Affliction, but can play the other specs as well
and also play a Shadow Priest

As you can see my gear is kinda meh… but that doesnt hold me back cause I know how to maximize my dps with the gear I have by doing my homework, knowing my stat weights, rotations, raid encounter positioning/dont stand in the goo, etc…

If you Look up my Warlock, Buffie, I’ve been steadily increasing her gear and stat weights as fast as I can with the content that is available to her, on AskMr. Robot she is currently at Item Level 420, +4.84% dps, and scored “very good stat distribution”

Things I bring to the guild/raid:

Attendance, I dont want to miss a raid, I wouldnt be applying if your raid times weren’t favorable to me, nore do I want to be late for a raid, holding up other people waiting for me to show up is rude/inconsiderate,

Preparation, I make my own consumables, gems, and enchants, so your not gonna have to worry about if I’m not ready to raid, or if I’m prepotting/flasking or wearing a piece of gear I got the night before still not being enchanted or gemmed etc… macros if needed made, auras made if needed, and dont worry i made the effort to watch the videos of the raid encounter

Knowledge, I do my homework, If you dont put in the time and effort to learn new things or try new things your gonna have a bad time in this game … so …I read up on my classes, mmmochamp,icyveins,etc… i keep track of the buffs/nerfs so i can plan accordingly in response to a buff/nerf, I watch videos of raid encounters, so I can figure out where and when I need to be during a raid encounter, knowing where and when you need to be helps immensely when trying to pump out your max dps, also, having a understanding of how the boss encounter/mechanics helps lower wipes/disasters, I also make a habit of looking up the best players in my class to checkout what they are doing differently, which helps me keep my skill/knowledge on par with theirs, I run all the Addons needed and love to make weak auras and buff/debuff power auras

Focused, I know when to shut up in guild chat/raid and discord, I dont mind wiping on new content but also know that wiping on farm content is always a no no… Wiping on 1% is heartbreaking so guaranteed I’m gonna check the meters/damage taken logs to see where I could improve, etc…

Community, I am a pretty cool laid back guy if I do say myself… I understand life and all its foibles, I’m not shy, I like to respond to guildies in chat, I’m your /invite after the raid to do a dungeon or pvp, My Warmode is always on, I dont mind helping others do stuff in the game, I’m a social person so I get along fine with all sorts of people, my current favorite tv show is Watchmen,

Hopefully, you’ll give Buffie a look over and maybe a new std, cause if you didnt know all Warlocks are chock full of them, oh, and check out my transmog I’m a Demon Horse Lord…

~Buffie, The Demon Slayer, and one day hopefully, cause their might be vampires in Shadowlands, The Vampire Slayer~

Hey Buffie!

Thank you very much for the reply. I’m grateful to see the work you’ve put in for this application. The things that stand out to me the most are your mindset and attitudes facing raiding (attendance, raid spots and benching) and your own character’s development through maximizing your performance. I’d love for you to send me a friend request on bnet or discord so that we can chat. Otherwise, i’ll be online in about 4 hours. I hope to talk to you soon.

Bnet: Yawn#11282
Discord: Cy#4103

I like the response. Well done with a complete and thorough app. Im at work but im sure 1 of the team will reply shortly!

Buffie, we would love to chat with you please hit either cyanora or my self up in game

i have several toons

my btag is theshortbus#1801

still need more dps players and hybrid players that can dps/heal or dps/tank

still looking

WTB Monk big time!! :slight_smile: