Too Stupid to Quit (US-Sargeras) is a guild with a solid group of core players focused on end-game PVE progression looking to recruit additional players to help round out our roster for Mythic progression. We’re looking for people who can perform consistently and maintain good attendance. We aim to progress as far as we can and continuously improve while still having a good time. We raid twice a week and do a lot of mythic keystones in between.
What we’re looking for:
RDPS: Boomkin, Warlock, Ele sham, Spriest (priority)
Healer (priest, monk, or paladin preferred)
Off-Tank (Warrior, Paladin preferred, any welcome)
All strong DPS.
All M+ welcome
Socials (normal/heroic raiders)
Current Progression:
BoD: 9/9N 9/9H 3/9M
Crucible: 2/2N 2/2H
Raid nights:
Tues/Sun 7-10pm server (CST)
Contact info:
Bnet: Yawn#11282
Discord: Cy#4103