[A] Too Stupid To Quit 2/2H Crucible, 3/9M BoD recruiting DPS and healer

Too Stupid to Quit (US-Sargeras) is a guild with a solid group of core players focused on end-game PVE progression looking to fill the last few spots in our roster for Mythic progression. We aim to get as far as we can and continuously improve while still having a good time. We raid twice a week and do a lot of mythic keystones in between.
We’re a previously 2/8M uldir crossrealm community that finally merged two weeks ago and found our stride progressing quickly through heroic BoD. We’re now ready to begin Mythic progression in earnest as soon as we fill the last spots.

What we’re looking for:
RDPS: Boomkin, Warlock, Ele sham (priority)
Healer (priest, monk, or paladin preferred)
Off-Tank (Monk, warrior preferred, any welcome)
All good DPS.
All M+ welcome
Socials (normal only)

Current Progression:
BoD: 9/9N 9/9H 3/9M
Crucible: 2/2N 2/2H

Raid nights:
Tues/Sun 8-11pm EST

Contact info:
Bnet: Yawn#11282
Discord: Cy#4103

Bnet: Theshortbus#1801

Bnet: Starstruck#1569
Discord: Alix#6846

I had a little lol on this name. I doubt stupid has much to do with it as boredom.

lol maybe but Too Bored To Quit isn’t nearly as catchy!

Hey guys a few questions!

How are you guys on shadow priests or ferals?

What Item lvls and experience are you guys focused on?



Hey Moose!

Spriests are great, but a balance druid would be preferable over feral druid. We’re looking for approx 400 item level for Mythic, but we’re not against gearing committed raiders. Previous mythic exp is preferred.

Send me a message if you want additional info

Still need 2-3 committed dps for mythic raiding

Bumping thread

Still looking for players that will show up consistently!!

Looking for DPS, want to raid 2 nights and get stuff done hit us up
