[A] Too Stupid To Quit 10/10H 4/10M 2 Day Evening Raiding LF Heals & DPS

need healer and dps hit us up

217 mm hunter 2/10m exp. 11% hungering exp. lf guild. bnet- Rosgaros#1423

Sent a request! If you’re still looking, I look forward to talking with you

Still a strong need for 2-3 dps and a healer

Just sent a Discord request, name is Carlo#0062

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Fire mage here 10/10 heroic experience bent clout#11484 no recent logs since I got upgrades would love to trial HMU

This is my mage

@dollylittle forwarded to cy feel free to hit me or him up in game, im either on shortbuslock or holyeternity

we are now 4/10M

big need for dps that want to pump

Would be interested in talking. I sent a friend request on Discord and b.net. :+1:

bumping back to talk! recruitment still open!

220 ilvl warlock 5/10m exp lfg. discord-Shezan (Rauna/Aliscae)#3537
contact if interested.

6/10 M looking for a strong dps

Working on council! Need some capable DPS players willing to put in the time! Hmu!

still looking for dps

To the top we go!

Need a healer and some DPS for 9.1! Hit us up =)

looking for dps that is ready to step up in mythic raiding

1 healer and some ranged dps still looking to fill a spot or 2