[A] <Tis But A Scratch> recruiting 4/9m 9/9h

Guild & Server: Tis but a scratch - Sargeras
Raid Times/Days: Tue/Thu 7-10p cst Main Sat/Mon 7-10p cst
Current Progression: 9/9N 9/9H 4/9M
Recruitment Contacts: BTag Dwhaviel#2478, <@Ziziana - Sargeras [A]>, discord Ziziana#2428
Rotation players: Disc, resto shaman, rogue, mage, moonkin, mist monk.
Social players (Normal only)
All M+ welcome.
Bench players and potential second raid team.

Rotation players will be in and out of mythic progression based on class need and performance, just like the rest of the mythic roster team. Heroic reclears are less rigid because they can be.

Our current focus is recruiting for our second team, which will be in heroic with opportunity to join the mythic team based on performance.

It’s a totally awesome guild! BELIEVE IT!

With Jaina down we will now only be in heroic on main raid nights. Sat and Mon are alt night runs.

There’s also a pretty rad discord. And pie!

Still looking for dps.
Mage, warlock, shaman, rogue, dk.

BEEP BOOP! You must come to this guild

Now with 5% more cowbell

I joined this guild, and now the ladies won’t leave me alone!

Still looking to fill out the last few spots before we start in on mythic.

The guild officers had me over for Thanksgiving dinner last year. That Anoghus sure knows how to carve a turkey, if you know what I mean.

And by “carve a turkey,” I mean [REDACTED].

Looking to round out our roster as we go further in mythic, having finished up heroic.

Hey I may have some guildies interested as well as myself. All very good and able to fill all roles you’re currently requesting. DEL#11231 add me and we can talk tomorrow. My current guild has run into some issues filling roster thus all M prog has halted. The best of us are seeking to continue together elsewhere since were somewhat close and active together. Let me know

Main is Fullcounter@sargeras

Added, hit me up whenever.

If you don’t join this guild… I will find you… and I will kill you.

He does have a ton of alts. I wouldn’t be surprised if he has some dirty horde rogue on the server.

Bump it, twist it, BoP me

My dog used to stare vacantly out the sliding glass door at night, barking angrily into the the abysmal darkness of the evening…that is, before I joined this guild! Now he’s as happy as he can be! No more foreboding snarls from him!

Bump, We need a Disc priest plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz .X)

Bench recruiting atm, heroic slots open