Guild & Server: Tis but a scratch - Sargeras
Raid Times/Days: Tue/Thu 7-10p cst - Main Sat 7-10p cst-Alt run
Current Progression: 4/8M
Recruitment Contacts: BTag Dwhaviel#2478, <@Ziziana - Sargeras [A]>, discord Ziziana#2428
Mythic team:
Contact Sughona/Anoghus in game
Heroic team:
Dps all welcome
Healers that prefer to dps
Tanks that prefer to dps
All the dps.
More dots.
Stop dots.
Hit it like you mean it.
All M+ and casual players welcome.
Heroic members run with mythic members on Saturday’s 1 day raid.
Tis but a Scratch formed with the beginning of BFA, starting out partially pugging normal mode uldir and achieving AOTC as we moved forward. We have stepped into mythic part way through this tier and are currently working on mekka.
We are an adult guild that puts the community at the front.
We keep an active discord outside the game.
We will be having an alliance guild potentially on Herod Classic as well.
If you think that might be a good fit for you, you meet the raiding requirements, or you want to give us a shot send me a message
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I left my dad’s guild to join Tis But A Scratch. These guys are awesome! Screw you, Dad!
Great guild. I’ve been here since 8.1ish and am really enjoying how active it is.
The people and atmosphere are great.
Needs more gnomes though. Other than that a perfect 5/7.
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We are still looking for more healers and dps(ranged especially)
record screeches to a stop
You’re probably wondering how you ended up here. But I know. Your last guild run through heroic ended with three healers rage-quitting after Grong, your raid leader brow-beating PUGs who refuse to call robots on Mekkatorque, and a second-degree burn on your mouse-hand trying to pull the pizza rolls out of the toaster oven.
This is your life: sad, lootless, punctuated by the occasional verbal assault. And after two raid tiers of the same tired nonsense, you’ve resigned yourself to this miserable condition. Maybe you dont think you deserve better. Maybe this is karmic justice for stealing your younger brother’s Magic The Gathering cards when he was away at camp with his real dad. Either way, you dont think things will ever get better, and that your current position in the game is an apt allegory for the rest of your miserable life.
But fear not! Things will get better if you join Tis But A Scratch! We have many committed raiders and keystone runners that are here to have fun and push content. No more being regaled to LFR or charity runs through Freehold. With TBAS, you can finally get the respect you deserve! And with our active Discord, you will have a chance to make friends other than the Papa John’s delivery girl who brought you cinammon twists that one time for free (even you know deep in your heart that it was just a mistake)!
Join Today!
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If you like having fun while slaying bosses, I think you’ve found your guild. Before I got into this guild I floated around from guild to guild until I found my home.
this guy knows what he’s talking about
Heroic players, those looking to jump into mythic, and people that want a guild to chill with, come give us a shot!
My last raid leader gave me a serious case of post-traumatic stress disorder while wiping on Opulence for the 93rd time. For weeks, hearing the word “gold” would send me diving beneath my desk in fright, like a stormtrooper had lobbed a potato-masher into my foxhole. My only comfort was commiserating with my grandfather, talking about the last Great War, field-stripping his Colt 1911 hanging upside down whilst whistling “Yankee Doodle.”
But that’s all in the past. Now that I’ve joined TBAS, my eyes have stopped twitching, and I don’t have to drink three fingers of bourbon to steady my hands enough to heal (but I do anyway)! TBAS gave me my life back, and has given me the peace of mind to enjoy my vice without the concern of slipping into the obliviating throes of rampant alcoholism. You’re the best!
Still looking to deepen our roster and also start a heroic team
Join for the dadjokes, stay for the dadjokes.
As a casual or serious member, the expectation is that you harass our main tank as much as possible. Send him random gray items in the mail, use leap of faith on him when it will kill him but no one else, or any other brilliant shenanigans you can think of. The more creative the better. He loves it!
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I am a 418 Holy priest looking for an active guild on an active server that likes to play together and push progression. I enjoy M+ in addition to raiding and am very active throughout the week on my main (which is the holy priest) and an alt R Druid (410 ilvl) that I run M+ on. I am looking for a guild that will be a good fit and one that I can make friends with and enjoy.
I prefer raids that start after 7pm EST and end before 1am EST. I also prefer main progression nights during the week. I don’t mind one night on the weekend, but just not all weekend nights
Raid Experience:
2/2H CoS (AotC1st week)
Currently 6/9M in BfD, 9/9 H (AotC 1st week)
CE 8/8M Uldir
Antorus 5/11M
TOS 5/11M
I wasn’t sure if you would consider a holy priest or the best way to find out?
Thank you!
Btag – Raeana#1652
Discord - Raeana#8468
We are still looking for more to add to our roster. Ranged dps and healers are always welcome. Additionally people that play multiple roles at a high level are at the top of the list of people we are looking for.
Mythic team needs
2-3 range(warlock-boomkin-ele(shammy)
1-2 melee(rogue-dk-ret)
1-2 healer(Druid-Disc)
Still recruiting, especially for next tier and finishing out this tier strong.
Heroic team also ramping up recruiting especially for dps for next tier. Good friendly players are what we’re looking for!