In reality itll probably cost more in oversight and funding to arm and train everyone because im assuming this would be govt regulated then it would to make weapons of mass death harder to buy, but hey limited govt right?
I also always wonder if America was created 200 years earlier and guns didnt exist would the 2nd amendment exist? Its. A product of its time of creation.
I mean we license car use, require insurance track registrations impound ppls cars etc
Is that because there isnt an amendment on car ownership the founders forgot to include?
I thought i have a right to property any which way. Maybe the car lobby isn’t as good. Regardless i have no answers here really.
car laws is taken over by insurance lobbyists and gas lobbyists.
One prevents better insurance laws for cars, the other actively prevents automobile tech to mass produce electric cars and infrastructure to support them.
Both prevents infrastructure for travel without cars in the US, which other countries realized is a bad idea to have roads/streets 100% car reliant.
btw it’s cheaper not to be 100% car reliant for cities, high speed roads are expensive to maintain (the federal govmt helps pay to build, not maintain)
Lol my comment at the top got flagged. But 9 people like it so how many flagged(s) does it take to take something down?
In a democracy it sounds like I had an opinion people agreed on but we aren’t in a democracy we are in GD CCP forums. Silence those who speak against!! And it shall go away!
I agree. I got suspended for the actions of someone else before. Accuser thought I was their alt. Mods didn’t even bother to look and see that we have different b-tags.
Because some people can’t use contraception due to side effects, a lot of people who seek out abortions are married and have families. And some of those situations are for medical reasons. Sepsis, ectopic pregnancies and other situations where the life of the mother is at stake. Keep in mind that in some states plan B and miscarriages are considered abortions.
No one thinks abortions are okay. I’ve never met someone who has had an abortion shout about it from the rooftops. It’s a difficult thing to do, and it’s sure as hell is a lot easier then giving the baby up and letting them live in a broken system or keeping the child when you are not ready for one.
No one thinks abortion is “okay” it sucks. But it should be left for the individual to decide.
It’s not just experts. Clarence Thomas has openly discussed wanting the federal backing of contraception removed, leaving it up to the states to decide if women should have access.
To be fair, I saw the thread title initially and gave OP the benefit of the doubt (…on the possibility it wasn’t another politics thread). Zoned into the thread aaaaaand - it was already “flagged by the community”, I’m thinking to myself “uh oh, here we go again”
I click on the little “display hidden content” toggle and sure enough, yup, it’s about politics/LGBT stuff
…then I scroll down and notice the first few replies are also “flagged by the community”, this thread is definitely one to keep an eye on