I’m for anything that curtails the gender politics that Hollywood and their fanatics keep trying to foist on the world.
Women losing the right to abortion sounds like a change driven more by money to me.
I’m for anything that curtails the gender politics that Hollywood and their fanatics keep trying to foist on the world.
Women losing the right to abortion sounds like a change driven more by money to me.
It’s clear hypocrisy. You all wave the “pro-life” flag around, but don’t actually care about life. You’re pro-suffering and want women to pay.
These people can’t actually argue an issue, they move the goal posts and spout “you are a bigot” instead of actually providing evidence that murdering kids is good.
They don’t actually have any orginal thought, just what the latest tik tok told them to say so they can’t actually back up their arguement.
Oddly enough, this is exactly what I think of people like you. You aren’t a kind and caring liberal, you aren’t wise and enlightened. You didn’t take time to come to your conclusions… you’re just a reactionary who chose a side, you’re everything you claim to hate… you’re a bigot of a different feather.
People like you, make Democrats look bad.
Keep your tribalistic gobbledygook off of the forums, please.
You all, isn’t any person, it’s shorthand for you admitting that you don’t know what you’re talking about.
This is a wild assumption, made by you, about people you know nothing about.
This is a nonsense statement, would you like to take another stab at it?
Your pro murdering children so…
Alphabet mafia.
Lmao. That is epic. Putting that under my hat.
I thought I missed something but turns out this is just another Roe thread
whyyyyyy does the ignore thread button keep disappearing
“It wouldn’t bother me so much, the law being overturned, if they had, at least, added in provisions for incest, tub pregnancies, and forced sex. They need to consider there are reasons it is needed at times. Without it, both the Mother AND the Child can die.”
Hey Cindilou, how do you do?
And, I do agree. But I do think the cases where it’s needed are incredibly rare. Either way I think it will be up to states to decide this sort of thing.
“Not as rare as you think. You didn’t hear about them, because the Doctors had the way to help, and no one needed to know. Now you will hear of them, because you will hear of the deaths.”
At one point these groups stood for something good, something I could support, equality… they then evolved into a cesspool of pink tipped karens and kyles screaming that everyone else that isn’t inside their their little bubble is a “bigot” or “ist” or “phobic”.
Disgusting human beings. Can’t believe that the current left actively supports racism and segregation and bigotry.
Probably. They’ll be used as a prop for pro-abortion activists and politicians who want votes.
Someone can correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think the removal of an unborn child to save the mother, while during pregnancy, is considered an abortion. So, I don’t know how much will change in that regard.
“It IS. They have to go in and remove the fetus, that falls under the Abortion Category.”
We have a people problem. Not a gun problem.
But guns aren’t the only way people are killing each other, it’s just the easiest. Do we make it harder by gun control. A little bit. But as long as everyday people can go out and buy guns capable of firing XX rounds in mere seconds, those guns will be accessible to just anyone. Easy to buy, easy to borrow, easy to steal. And end up in the hands of a mind that wants to use it for killing people.
I don’t pretend to know what to do about it. I just know one certain thing. This is a mental health issue.
“I believe that there is equality to all humanity - we all suck.”
I got nothing.
Wish everyone found their peace and health, mentally and physically.
Wish you could give your opinion w/o hate and it not get turned into something it’s not.
I need coffee.
Yes, agreed.
I think everyone should own a gun. This is the world we live in.
I hate guns and I hate the finality of them.
But, look at places where there is gun control. Crime is insane.
Is a crazy person going to go into a bar where most ppl pack heat or are are they going to go to one where ppl can’t? You tell me.
Bad ppl will find a way to get/keep guns
If everyone had a gun…
Welcome to the Wild Wild West
some clown flag me for saying
all i heard was good news
guess i am only allowed to hear bad