A thought about getting balance changes

So when that video of a DK doing 15Mdps because of the stacked Aug vokers went viral, Blizz moved pretty quick to make balance changes.

If you could stack 5 of whatever spec you think is OP and nuke some keys and put it up on YouTube, maybe that would get some movement from them.

If you find a class that you can actually do that with, sure. They also quickly fixed the WW monk tier stacking DPS bug as soon as it was discovered.

Same thing for all of Rextoy’s adventures.

The god comp has been nerfed several times already.

Are you not paying attention to hotfixes?

That shows they’re trying, but if you look at the top 20 keys pushed on Raider IO, it’s still the same god comp for 19 of 20 (and rank #19 is the god comp just with an evoker healer); the damage was done for M+ title seekers.

They clearly are being too timid with their nerfs or simply don’t have a good predictive model for their input tuning changes to arrive at a desired output, so they end up doing trial and error (mostly lots of error as more Guardian Druid/Holy Pally/Fire Mage nerfs are coming on 22-Aug). This sort of tuning also risks the nerfed specs being under-powered if they are not with an augment evoker.

There’s also a nerf to M+ dungeon scaling over +20, but again those that spammed the god comp before any nerfs locked away any contention for title. An effort for show only, as this is likely to be ineffective at offering a chance for title to other comps through the remainder of S2.

Imagine if devs thought of these outrageous possibilities themselves and had their QA teams test these stacking issues, so they could be stomped out before ever making it to YouTube and showing the world how inept their QA protocols really are.

When games are online/mp…the amount of variations you have to test is pretty insane.

It would take a massive army of QA testers to do things. And many of these things are only available at a certain skill level…something you cant rely on hiring for.

Its just not reasonable to expect all outrageous possibilities to be tested for, unless you drastically limit the variables. By making the game overly simple.

Experience : Worked in QA for a major developer (not Blizz).

Stacking classes is sort of a given at this point. It happens almost every raid tier. They add a new spec that buffs other classes and didn’t think “what would happen if you stack 20 augvokers with no limits on their buffs” ?

These guys are smart, even if they make collectively dumb decisions sometimes.

Concerning Aug evokers that is fair.

I was more meaning bugged out issues not so much faulty deliberate design. Example how monk tier worked. I should have clarified.

Maybe someday in the far off future we will have computation machines that can use math to predict or even “simulate” various combinations of classes and equipment attributes.

One might even be able to make a list of “try this combo” to “feed” to the computation machine that could include “What if I have 20 augvokers and a DK?” type scenarios.
That the machine could solve while the machine operator slept. It might even be able to preform 10’s if not 100’s of these per year.

Mark my words, they will come to pass.
Computation machines will one day rule the world!!

shakes cane at the sky

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This is a ridiculous take and always has been. First off, the company is worth Billions of dollars. Billions. With a B. Secondly, the community sees these issues coming a mile away, warns about it, and gets ignored. Perfect balance is going to be extremely difficult, but they can do a LOT better than they do.

Its a ridiculous take, and your main points responding have absolutely nothing to do with anything I said.


I am talking about discovering bugs. Not listening to feedback. That has absolutely nothing to do with anything I said.

Activision-Blizzard the holding company is worth billions. That’s separate from Blizzard Entertainment the AAA game studio. And even if Blizzard is worth 1 billion itself, WoW is not the only product the studio makes, so it doesn’t get all the company revenue budgeted.

It’s funny when people think WoW has access to all of the revenue reported in quarterly calls. They get a fraction of a fraction of it.

All that being said, my point still stands those guys should have enough foresight to add a new spec and maybe ask “what happens if players stack 20 in a raid?” It’s sad they don’t think even that far ahead.