[A]<The Jadepaw Dynasty> [Pandaria Roleplay]

For more info and application, visit our site at: thejadepawdynasty. shivtr. com!

:large_orange_diamond: Welcome! :panda_face: :large_orange_diamond:

The Jadepaw Dynasty is a heavy roleplaying guild focused upon Pandaria and Pandaren culture! We’ve been around for over four years now, and in that time we’ve built a very solid community of active players from all across this fine server.

The Jadepaw Clan is made up of pandaren from the Wandering Isle and Pandaria. Although we are all different, our common thread is to protect Pandaria and represent pandaren interests abroad. We do this by creating trade contacts, supporting our allies, and fighting all those who threaten our borders.

The Jadepaw offer a wide variety of RP, from small jobs to long campaigns. A major focus of the guild is creating a functional culture in and around Pandaria. It is our hope to improve not only our own RP, but the stories of those who may simply wish to visit for a time.

The Jadepaw itself is a neutral, pandaria aligned faction. We consider ourselves to be most cordial with the Alliance, but ultimately, we support our own country over the interests of foreigners. Because of this we accept both neutral and alliance aligned members. We’re even open to cross faction RP!

We differ somewhat from other guilds, in that our primary roleplaying focus is actually not centered around the Jadepaw Clan itself, but Pandaria in general. You won’t need to worry about fitting your character to our group, or sitting through much ‘guild business’ type RP. While the Jadepaw exists as a faction within our roleplaying community, we have spots for plenty of outliers.

Heroes, villains, thieves, shado-pan, merchants, lore walkers…if you find yourself connected to Pandaria and its people, you’ve got a spot with us here.

:small_orange_diamond: OOC Information:

We invite any friendly, WoW loving people to stop by and say hello! We try hard to foster a welcoming environment for our guild. Drama and bashing is not tolerated.

The Jadepaw use our guild chat ICly, and an OOC channel for all other discussions. This allows people to join the channel on their mains, but still keep tabs on when we’re running events without always needing to be on their pandaren character.

We do not have a level cap- as soon as your pandaren is off the isle, they are welcome to apply for joining!

:small_orange_diamond: Non-Pandaren?

As a pandaren guild, we try to keep our membership limited to Pandarian species only. However, members may have OOC alts of any race who are welcome to attend events with us from time to time.

We also have close ties to non-pandaren groups that join us for RP. The jadepaw itself is pandaren only, but not our community! If you are a non-pandaren looking to join in with some pandarian RP, all you need do is whisper an officer at event time.

So long as you are respectful, we’d be happy to have you!

:small_orange_diamond: Where do we role-play?

We role-play predominantly in Pandaria, utilizing summons to get lower level members into the towns and zones that we are currently playing in. Many of our members can be found lurking around in Dawn’s Blossom for walk up RP. You can also find us in Mistfall, Halfhill, and various other spots around Pandaria.

:small_orange_diamond: What are role-plays like?

Most of our events run something like a DM game. We use a D20 for attacks and encounters, but don’t limit ourselves just to fighting. We do a lot of exploring, archeology digs, card games, and more. There is generally a plot thread shaping the overall guild storyline, but most events are relatively self contained.

:small_orange_diamond: Expansion plans?

The Jadepaw continue to hold strong on their pledge of neutrality, but reccent actions by the Horde in Teldrassil have put that pledge in jeopardy.

With the war raging, the Jadepaw hope to see an end to the conflict before Pandaria is dragged into the fight as well. Because of this, excursions into both Kul’Tiras and Zandalar have become more frequent.

:small_orange_diamond: How strict is the lore?

We try to keep to official lore as closely as possible, while still allowing for speculation in places where the lore is lacking. You are not expected to follow racial stereotypes, but we do ask you follow common sense.

Generally speaking, we are not a good fit for overly unique concepts. Powers that don’t exist in the warcraft universe aren’t going to go over well.

But if you are willing to work with us, we’re happy to take on beginners! We also offer one on one RP nights to help with folks afraid of crowds.

:small_orange_diamond: Weekly Schedule:

All events are typically open to those interested. For Wednesday events, please contact the event runner to check location and availability.

  • Rotating RP [Storied, sparring, match up]- Wednesday, 8 Server. [ See in game for location. ]
  • Tavern Night- Saturday, 7 Server at Dawn’s Blossom.

:small_orange_diamond: Who to contact?

If you’ve got any questions, you can contact one of our officers and their alts here! Typically anyone of the officer rank should be able to point you in the right direction.

  • Yao / Lia
  • Flomp / Bao
  • Taran / Ziyou
  • Juanhua

:small_orange_diamond: Discord:

Please visit our main site for details.


Winter’s Veil is almost here for Pandaren to enjoy gifts and a great feast.

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Alright, let’s hope I did not mess anything up! Welcome to the new forums. Currently there are issues with links so I am temporarily removing link to the guild site. Apologies!

I think this would be a great place for my fairly new panda man =)

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I was thrilled to see these guys roleplaying in Lor’danel before Teldrassil blew up.

I might have to look y’all up when I get home from work.

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Sure thing! Will keep an eye out for your app.
I would also like to note for anyone applying the fastest way to get an officer would be just jumping into our Discord and pinging one of us officers.

I have been a member of the Jadepaw for a good while now. I’m admittedly quiet and I usually just observe since my erratic schedule makes it hard for me to go to planned events. That being said, I can attest to the fact that the Jadepaw are a welcoming bunch and always have something going on for players to participate. I encourage anyone considering joining to track someone down and give them a shout :slight_smile:

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It is almost Winter Veil time for the Pandaren to exchange gifts!

The Pandaren are enjoying their Lunar Festival activities!

We’ve made a small update to our weekly scheduling! Sparring night will now be apart of a monthly rotation held on Wednesday nights.

We may switch it back over summer!