We’re a small group of friends that have transferred over from a smaller server and are coming back from a break with the announcement of the SL events. We’re looking to have fun and make some new friends. We have a laid back and playful banter group. We’re looking for some like minded people.
We will be raiding on Tues/Wed nights from 7-9:30ish pm server time. We are looking for dps, healers (non paladin), and backup raid tanks. We are looking for a warlock, hunter, monk (dps/heals), shaman (dps /heals) but anyone looking to raid with us is welcome.
All roles for keys as we will be having some people running those. If you think we are a good fit, feel free to reach out to us. Thank You.
Szarek bnet: DarkPaladin#11380
Crazyirish: Crazyirish61#1337