We are looking to add a few more to our growing guild. Looking for a dps demon hunter, shadow priest and hunter. We raid Sun/Tues 7-9:30 server time.
We like to have fun and make new friends. We are non toxic and focus on having a good time together. Mistakes happen and we learn and move on.
We also have some players running keys. Beginners to intermediate. Returning players and new players welcome. Any role for keys. Come have some fun.
bnet is: DarkPaladin#11380
7/10 Still looking for a few more to join us for some fun as we raid.
8/10 and looking for a few more who is looking for a friendly fun environment at a casual pace.
I would love an invite. Sounds fun!
I will look for you the next time I am online over this Holiday weekend if you are still interested.
9/10. Heroic attempts to start soon. Looking for more to join us for some fun.
I am interested. My most geared is Mistweaver Monk, but I can also play enhance shaman, hunter or holy paladin.
I will be online tonight. Otherwise anyone else in the guild can invite you.
We are now 3/10 heroic. We are looking for a dps warrior, death knight, and a hunter.
Looking for more to have some fun with.
Looking for a shadow priest also.
We are now 4/10 heroic.
Bump! We are also looking for more players to add to our mythic+ roster! All skill levels welcome
Bump! Still looking for more folks to join our growing raid and mythic+ teams!