Do you need hunters still ? Looking for a guild. Though am a casual player!
Looking for healers at present to round out our healing team for SSC/TK. Open to any healing class played proficiently.
Looking for a feral tank, druid/sham/priest heals, and a few key DPS. PST for more info.
Looking for a feral tank, druid/priest heals, and a few key DPS (particularly melee). PST for more info.
Actively recruiting a prot warrior/bear. Open to healers and DPS. Message Kyasha, Drezdizzle, or Zoltt to learn more.
Actively recruiting quality DPS, heals, and OTs. Message Kyasha, Drezdizzle, or Zoltt to learn more.
Are u still recruiting looking to transfer from windseeker have resto druid or surv hunter. Prefer the hunter but can heal as well.
We are still looking for DPS for our 25 man raids. Feel free to hit me on discord Kyasha#3539.
Seeking a holy priest or resto druid for 25 man raids. Also considering other rolls. PST for more info.
Bump for the guild. Recruiting arms warrior, prot warrior or bear, quality dps, and heals.
Just transferred in as Holy Pally, looking to heal.
Recruiting non-pally heals, prot warrior or druid tank, and quality DPS of varying specs. Send whisper to Kyasha/Vya or one of our officers to learn more.
Recruiting non-pally heals, prot warrior or druid tank, and quality DPS of varying specs (specifically BOOMKIN and shaman (ele and/or enhance). Send whisper to Kyasha/Vya or one of our officers to learn more.
Bump for the guild. Seeking players who are looking for casual weekend raiding.
Hey there! What are your current needs? I have a paladin and a hunter. My pally is prot and is decently geared (def cap and just over 400sp) the hunter would need some work. I would also be willing to play ret. I’m looking for a guild to see the remaining content in TBC and all of wrath with.
At present, we are recruiting DPS actively. Whisper me in game and we can talk or on discord Kyasha#3539.
Hey there Kyasha. I am interested in joining i have extensive raiding experience and the two classes that i am most interested on raiding with ya’ll with is rogue and warrior. I added your btag, get back to me as soon as you can. My discord is Nate#7283
If you seek to clear all current content don’t waste your time with this guild. Got the boot just talking about progression content.