Bump, bump, bump. Looking for some additional healers and DPS to fill out our 25 man roster. Contact Kyasha in game for more info. Thanks!
Contact Kyasha in game to learn more about current guild needs.
Contact Kyasha in game to learn more about current guild needs.
Actively seeking several classes including a feral OT, shadow priest, and hunter. Whisper Kyasha or Drezdizzle to learn more.
Yes, Shadow Priest come give me your mana…
Contact Kyasha in game to learn more about current guild needs
If you are casual or laid back come join the fun!
Bump for the guild. Really looking for a few hunters at the moment. Open to other classes and roles as well.
Seeking DPS and heals for our 25 man raids. Raid night is Sunday, 7-9PM for 25 mans. Two Kara groups running Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon. PST for more info.
Bumping this thread - Current highest recruitment needs are for Hunters & Warlocks. We are open to casual players and raiders alike. Ask for an officer in-game - we’d love to chat and see if we’re the right home for you!
Bump, bump - Looking for hunters, mage, shadow priest, a healer or two, and considering any other well-played classes. Whisper Kyasha, Drez, or any other officer for more info.
Looking for a few more folks to fill out our roster for 25-mans. Whisper Drezdizzle or Kyasha in game for more info!
Looking for a few more folks to fill out our roster for 25-mans. Whisper Drezdizzle or Kyasha in game for more info!
Seeking some quality DPS and heals for our 25 raids. Please contact an officer to learn more. Also actively seeking smaller guilds looking to break into the raiding scene through an alliance or collaboration.
Looking for some quality raiders to fill out our raid roster. Whisper Kyasha or Drezdizzle to learn more!
Bump for the recruitment. All of tier 4 on farm. We are looking to start SCC and TK in the next two weeks. Whisper for more info.
Bump. Always looking for quality raiders and casual friends. We start SSC this week!
We are still recruiting quality players - particularly mage, arms warrior, hunter, and a resto druid.
Bump for the recruitment add. We are still recruiting quality players - particularly mage, arms warrior, hunter, boomkin, and a resto druid.
Looking for more for our 25 mans! Whisper Drezdizzle/Silthea or Kyasha/Vya for more info.
Do guys still have use for a Shadow Priest?